Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2022

4/25/22 Freewrite: Reflecting on the semester so far…

Now that Spring Break is over, it seems like the semester is almost over! I want us to think about what we’ve worked on so far, what we still need to accomplish, and favorite and least favorite aspects of our work here. Please respond thoughtfully and in-depth (not just one word or one sentence answers) to the following questions, and post them in the comment field below.

  • How would you compare/contrast work you did early in the semester to now?
  • What was your favorite/least favorite assignment and why?
  • What are some notable lessons that have stuck with you after completing certain assignments?
  • What changed in your writing (reading, thinking) as the genres and assignments changed?
  • What were your early assumptions/beliefs about yourself and writing? Have they since changed? Explain.
  • What was your experience revising assignments?
  • What, if anything, was particularly challenging for you in our course this semester and how did you overcome it (or attempt to)?


  1. Laziza Naimova

    I can tell that I’m getting better at grammar. I can also see the difference in my work from beginning of this semester and between now is that I can narrow dowm my essays or any other kind of writings now.

    I believe that my favorite assignment was the narative essay because it was a writing which is all about us and how we dealed with the struggles as immigrants. And my least favourite assignment was reflective annotated bibliography and the only reason was because of the researche’s I had to do.

    I really can’t think of any notable lessons that have stuck with me after completing certain assignments.

    In my opinion so many things have changed in my writing (reading, thinking) as the genres and assignments changed. I got better at so many things such as grammar, narrowing down, and understanding different kinds of genres.

    Yes, they have since changed and improved much more.

    My experience revising assignments was great and fun because revising my work gave me an opportunity to reflect on what I’ve written. It also improved my reading skills and my analytical skills (the ability to work with data ā€“ that is, to see patterns, trends and things of note and to draw meaningful conclusions from them.)

    I don’t thing anything was challenging because everything and every instructions were clear.

  2. Aleksandra Patyra

    My work from the begging of the semester is definitely different than the work that I write now-at the end of the semester. It was just few moths, but I think I improved my writing skills a lot. I enjoyed writing the educational essay, it was fun to go back in my memories and use it in my text. Iā€™ve learned how to read like a writer, how to look for ā€œcluesā€ in the text and how to learn form other authors. I also wish to get more feedback on my work to know hot to improve my skills even more.
    I really enjoyed the grammar exercises we did in class as a group. That was always fun and easy to learn from. This course is my first ever attempt at writing essays, bibliography English so at the beginning I was very nervous about it. Now, after few months, I am more confident in writing, but I now I still need some areas that need more work.

  3. Emely

    The current work would be more improved/developed. For instance, if I start a genre assignment or an educational narrative now, it would be more improved since Iā€™ve experienced/learned new things compared to the work I did or the knowledge I had early in the semester.

    My favorite assignment was learning about different types of genres. We went through several instances of genres and learned how each genre is used for a specific situation.

    I believe that itā€™s the belief that things are going to get better eventually. You may feel overwhelmed or stressed about an assignment that may seem difficult, but it doesnā€™t have to prevent you from trying it.

    Well! As we learn different things, we try to use it in our own writing, and we sort of make improvements or attempt to. Iā€™ve learned several things, such as grammar corrections, word choices, specific genres, and so on.

    Since the beginning my objective has been to improve my writing and learn different writing strategies. My writing has changed, it has improved compared to my early writings in terms of grammar and word choice.

    It was a good experience since I got to learn something new from different assignments. In particular, the educational narrative, as well as the genres projects that each of us had to work on.

    I personally donā€™t consider that there was something very challenging up to now. However, along the way I found myself confused with a few assignments, but I asked questions and overcame that challenge.

  4. Adam Bajwa

    The work I would compare I did early was not up to the mark but during the semester I improved my work and skills.
    My favourite assignment was about the genre because it was really easy to understand and my least favourite assignment was the research project because it was hard and not very interesting.
    After completing certain assignments I got to know about myself, what am I good at and what are some areas that I have to improve.
    I think many things have changed in writing (reading, thinking) as the genre and assignments changed.such as narrowing down the topic, understanding different genres.
    My belief about myself and writing was that I was not a good writer and now I have improved a lot.
    While reviewing my assignments I saw that my assignments have improved day by day and I saw a lot of changes in my work from beginning till the end of the semester.
    The research projects were challenging otherwise nothing was challenging throughout the semester.

  5. Geovany Flores

    1- I would say that now I have the ability to communicate more to express my opinions, I donā€™t really feel like scared of something like that, my writing skills have improved a lot at this point of the semester I feel more confident about what my assignments are about and Iā€™m still working in my vocabulary words.

    2- I donā€™t remember having a least favorite assignment. I’ve enjoyed every activity we have had in this class, we have had lots of fun and have communicated with each other which has helped us a lot.

    3- I was really struggling with my research project assignment because at first I didnā€™t really know what my topic be about but then it was like ideas started coming out after the professor gave us some examples.

    4- I feel like now my writing is a little stronger , more understandable then it was before because I had a lot of grammar issues even though Iā€™m still working on many other issues, so far I got most of the things under control. The way I think when Iā€™m writing something is different, more ideas come up and I feel more confident writing something.

    5- I felt like I was going to give up because I was really struggling to say that I was going to do well in this class but my assumptions were wrong and I feel like Iā€™m putting all my efforts and I still have to work even more hard.

    6- My experience going back to my work was really shocking because I didnā€™t expect to have less errors than I thought I would and I feel happy about it.

    7- first I would search for details on the internet then if I were to not feel confident with what I have found I could also ask the professor.

  6. Esmeralda Ensaldo

    I think my work now may be more specific. I think about the assignment we are doing now with the research question and analyze how I can use that as well in my work. Being more precise.
    My favorite assignment was the education narrative because we got to talk about an event in our lives that impacted us, educationally in how we think and who we are now. At the same time, it was a little complicated since it took me more time than I thought to complete it. I don’t really have a least favorite assignment, I just think all we’ve done so far have some aspects that may be more difficult but still manageable.
    Some notable lessons that have stuck with me is that there is always a first terrible draft and from that we can start working with our ideas. Also how to narrow down a general theme- the five w’s.
    What changed in my writing, reading and thinking is how I analyze the text depending on the genre it was written because I have a better idea of what the purpose of the reading is. Plus, just like the reading says ‘read like a writer’ I think of the choices the author could have made and why they made those choices.
    My assumptions/beliefs about myself and writing is that when it’s detailed and explains well, it’s better since the reader can get into the reading. Now I think the same, but the only difference is that I start to think about what the audience expects, just like reading like a writer, I can shift that and write like a reader and seeing my work fro a different perspective.
    My experience revising assignments was good, I think I learn something new every time I get to revise an assignment because I can see better how I can improve it or how I can use more techniques.

  7. Carla Dormil

    ā€¢ During the early semester, I was full of doubt about my writing skills. It was easier for me to improve it because we worked a lot on writing. Thankfully I think now I can say that I have evolved. I can see my mistakes in my writing and have the chance to change them before sending the work.
    ā€¢ I donā€™t take I have a least favorite assignment because I think every subject treated in class was to help us, students, to improve our work.
    ā€¢ Some lessons that have stuck with me after completing certain assignments were run-on sentences. I keep looking for them in my writing and some verb tense because I have issues with them. I’m trying to work on them hard.
    ā€¢ In my writing after I finished the work, I tried to see it from the perspective of a reader. Will they be able to understand it? If my words have some mistakes? Did I put space where it should be? I have all these questions every time now that I’m writing something. I think that allows me to improve my work better.
    ā€¢ I believed that I was a good writer, and today I still believe so. They have changed because I think to be a good writer you need to do better work on not making silly mistakes.
    ā€¢I feel like I come from a very far behind in my English skills, revising my assignments helps me to see where I was wrong and where I needed help on. I do think I will need to practice by reading more and practicing daily.
    ā€¢ I think at the very beginning of the semester, I was scared and I thought everything was hard because I did not practice my writing skills in a while. It felt very challenging to overcome the fear and do a better job. Now, I think there has been an improvement.

  8. Tayef Rahaman

    The work I did begging of the semester is different than the work that I write now at the end of the semester. It was just a few moths, but I think I improved my writing skills a lot. I enjoyed writing the educational essay, it was fun to go back in my memories and use it in my text. Iā€™ve learned how to read like a writer, look for ā€œcluesā€ in the text, and learn from other authors. I also wish to get more feedback on my work to know how to improve my skills even more. I really enjoyed the grammar exercises we did in class as a group. That was always fun and easy to learn from. This course is my first ever attempt at writing essays, bibliography, etc. in English so at the beginning I was very nervous about it. Now, after a few months, I am more confident in writing, but I still need some areas that need more work.

  9. Sabina Akhi

    The first thing I do at the beginning of the semester is try to be in class every day, and try to do my homework every day.
    My favorite assignment in education narrative is easy because I can express my last favorite assessment I donā€™t know but I enjoy every assessment.
    I believe it is believed that in the end thing are going to get better. But I am struggling with the thing of my research project because at first, I didn’t know what my subject would be but then the ideas started to come out after the professor gave some advice.
    When I learned different things, I try to use them in my writing and I try to improve something learned several things such as grammar correction word choice specific genres, and so on.
    I thought I was going to give up because I wanted to say that I was going to do well in this class but my guess was wrong and I feel like I am taking all my efforts and I still have to work even harder.
    My experience revising assignments were great and fun because revising my work allowed me to reflect on what I wrote. I am thinking everything is challenging because at the end of the semester I have finished my homework.

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