A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Steven Bear (Page 2 of 17)

How To Write An Op-ed

After carefully reading these Posts from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and Duke University, put into your own words what you think an Op-Ed is, why someone would write one, and what might make it effective. These are good guides for your next graded Unit assignment, which is to research and write your own Op-Ed.





Final Reflections

It has been a privilege and honor to be your teacher this semester.  I admire your effort, your accomplishments, and am grateful for what you’ve taught me and shared with me in your classroom participation, writing projects, and discussion posts. I hope you found our class materials, discussions and writing assignments interesting, challenging, and worth your time and consideration. I also hope you feel more confident as a writer now than when you started the semester.

Please post your Final Reflections in this thread (see the Reflection assignment criteria in the major assignment menu). Your Portfolio for the semester, including your revisions, should be emailed to me.

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