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Interview On Abortion Law

One of the genres for the Unit 3 assignment is interview. Here’s a very recent interview on an important and controversial topic. There is mature and possibly disturbing content relating to pregnancy from rape and incest. You are not obligated to listen if you cannot tolerate that. The interviewee is suggesting that laws against abortion constitute a kind of “Jane Crow” system. What is your opinion of her opinions, and the facts that she sites to support her position? There is a transcript of the interview if you scroll down. If you are using interview for your project, that could be a good model of format.



  1. Kawthar

    I think her opinions are valid because the statements of hers are made from the experiences women face and what the government has done. When she talked about black women having it harder when it comes to abortion or medical health and gave her reasoning, she gave us the facts making her statement even stronger. I agree with her when she states that when black women are suffering it will eventually transfer to other women as well. If the government is not caring or supporting a group of people that treatment will reach everyone regardless. She also adds that if it’s not really about caring for women or the baby is all about controlling women and putting fear in people. I agree with her on that because every woman has her own story and it’s not the same for all of them so making abortion not their decisions is really wanting to control them not help them. If the government really cares about the health of women, they are medical needs they need not just when having abortions. It’s the sense that things are being picked and chosen when to care and when to ignore.

  2. Josue Giron

    Michelle Goodwin connects the debate for abortion law to time after the abolishment of slavery. She calls these the Jane Crow laws. Jim Crow laws were a cruel way for  states to maintain their desirable order and control. This is just as these gene laws are doing. Professor Goodwin exposes this mindset from the national and federal government. I admire how she strays to make this topic simply opinionated, personal, and, of course, biased, despite her story. She is focusing on the damage caused and ignored by the government to its people. Connecting this event to Jim Klaas, portraying the world to what it is, we fear, why, and to influence necessary steps. Overall, she’s exposing the government and that is valued.

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