A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Spoken Word 2

What are your reactions and thoughts about this spoken word performance?


  1. Kawthar

    I really like this video because it’s powerful and with little humor. This performance is a good and easy way to speak about a problem that’s important but with powerful words and story choices. It’s so reliable even though this video was in 2014. Seeing these girls with two different perspectives but similar problems is an eye opening. These two perspectives could bring people together who never knew they had more similarities than differences. It’s sad to still hear these problems of discrimination, stereotypes, hate crimes, and more in 2023. The actions to fix these problems are being done more and  heard in today’s society because people are starting to see how powerful their voices  and actions are. Also, because the people experiencing these problems themselves want change for everyone. However, this video is truly a spoken word because every story they mentioned and words are meaningful and important. 

  2. Josue Giron

    This was a good video that was passive-aggressive but clearly stated the need to stop discrimination. This video had an excellent delivery. In fact, I’m surprised at the way they both talked at the same time and when splitting phrases, they did it without getting confused or making a mistake. The topic was also compelling and it might still be controversial now days. 

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