A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

If The World Were 100 People


The link sometimes goes to the end of the video for some reason. Please restart it to view. Was any of the info surprising to you? Your thoughts on global distribution of resources and wealth? Of course, things are constantly changing, and climate change is and will be a huge driver of increasing poverty, and decreasing access to food, water, and housing. This was not an OP-Ed, but in Unit 3 you’ll be writing in a different genre, which could include a video like this.


  1. Kawthar

    The information from the video was shocking to me. The video was put into an essay perspective to understand how resources and wealth is distributed. I was surprised about how little resources people have but I kind of saw it coming. Seeing that 14 people out of the 100 people can’t write or read, 56 people make $2- $10 while 1 person makes $90 per day, 23 people do not have shelter,56 people do not have internet, and 93 people don’t attend college shows how grateful we should be. Also, leads to understand how the world doesn’t show equality. The video makes it easier to fight harder for equality but in reality, the problem of inequality has got worse and bigger. It’s sad to see how the resources and wealth is unfairly distributed to the people.  

  2. Josue Giron

    This video showed the real numbers in society. I was surprised by the number of people who went to college and the number of people who didn’t. And the fact that one person can control 50% of all the money is impressive to me. It made me think about who is controlling 50% of the money today. The video shows how unequal the world is. Even if we try to fight for equality, there is always going to be something or someone left out, especially when talking about money.

    • Ibraheem Zokari

      I agree with what you said in the last sentence. Inequality is always going to exist and this video is evidence. This video is from 7 years ago and inequality has only worsened and created bigger problems.

  3. Shivam Patel

    The video shocked me. I always knew that there was a massive disparity in the number of resources and opportunities that people had. This was usually dependent on the country/ region you lived in. But this video put into perspective the actual gap in wealth, learning, and just basic needs. This video came out seven years ago which may be a lot to me, but seven years ago I was in fifth grade and to think that at the time of this video 93% of people haven’t attended college. I started to question if the fact was true, but then I remembered the cost of tuition at some of the colleges I got into and it would have crippled my family to have had me attend those colleges at those costs. For a world with a population of 8 billion I cannot begin to fathom the amount of resources held in the top 1%, or how things were skewed in such a way for them to be able to control 50% of all the money.

  4. Ibraheem Zokari

    I wasn’t entirely surprised by the video but it brought a better understanding of the global distribution of resources and wealth. This video shows the gap between health, education, wealth, and basic knowledge in people, and what I found shocking the most was that 93 people out of 100 did not attend college. I thought this ratio would be fairly distributed because college is everywhere and it just looked like to me that a lot of people entered college. This also could be from the costs of tuition. These statistics have always been known and are available but I think the reason why we are finding it more surprising and interesting is because using 100 people has a bigger effect on the audience because it makes the statement more clear. Like I said in the beginning, I’m not surprised but this video shows the real gap and inequality in the global distribution of resources and wealth. To think that this video is from 7 years ago and the information is most likely still true shows how inequality is still alive and a difficult issue. I don’t think inequality is ever going to go away, there’s always going to be disparity but we should still fight to help people in these tough situations.

  5. Jaylene


    Many pieces of information surprised me, such as how more than half of the hundred would be making less than $10 dollars a day and 93 out of 100 would not have attended college. As an American, people don’t tend to think about what other countries’ education and economic well-being is like. definitely think that the global distribution of wealth is definitely unfair and has no hope of becoming equal.

  6. Gustavo Aviles

    One fact of the video shocked me which was the one person that control half of the money meanwhile 99 others contain the other half. This shows how unequal our world is due to how so little people in the population controls most of the power and money while the majority of people are struggling to keep up with money and are suffering because of the power balance between society.

  7. Brandon Rumola

    One surprising detail from the film was that 93% of people did not go to college due to mostly financial issues. This displays the inequality in the world we live in is as just a fraction of the population controls the majority of the wealth and power, while the vast majority struggle to make ends meet.

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