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Why Gay Marriage Is Good For Straight America


While currently legal in all 50 states, thanks to a Supreme Court case in 2015, the future of gay marriage is less than certain given the make up of our current Supreme Court. (trump replaced two justices who supported it.) According to Sullivan’s Op-Ed piece, why is gay marriage good for all Americans? What does he base his opinion on? Does he argue persuasively? Why and/or why not?


  1. Josue Giron

    Sullivan’s Op-Ed supports gay marriage as it allows everyone the freedom to marry and live without discrimination. Gay marriage can open the door to those afraid of coming out, showing them a hinge of what being happy truly is. Marriage equality in America helps everyone pursue happiness by being with someone they love and not hiding from everyone. Gives people the ability to feel proud of what they are.

    Sullivan’s opinion is based on civil rights and how/why gay marriage should be part of civil rights. Expressing that gay marriage is part of someone’s happiness and that not even their religion should stop someone from being happy. Sullivan quotes Arendt, who wrote that everyone should have the right to marry whoever they want, like being free to vote on who you think is best. 

    Sullivan’s argument is not persuasive, and I think he informs more than trying to convince or persuade the reader of why gay marriage is good for America. Sullivan gives good personal examples and events that can support his claim, but it needs more convincing.

  2. Kawthar

    According to Sullivan’s Op-Ed piece, gay marriage is good for all Americans because it brings a bright future for those who are afraid to express their love. He says for those who felt lost, saw a black vision when it comes to love or marriage, and experienced “deep psych” it allows them freedom and acceptance. He also mentions gay Marriage is a feeling of “coming home” instead of coming out because their right to marry their love is a proud building a home that was being afraid to express their love or feel wanted. Sullivan based his opinion on the civil rights to marry your loved ones and not let anything stop like you have the right to vote. He says a religious marriage is different than a civil marriage and that a religion shouldn’t stop gay marriage or being happy. He states “the right to marry whoever one wishes is an elementary human right … Even political rights, like the right to vote”. He states that being happy and marriage is a human right as well. I don’t think he argues persuasively because even after reading I wasn’t convinced enough. He uses his experience and emotions but didn’t mention any evidence or logos. There wasn’t any information that supported his main idea thoroughly.

  3. Christopher Romero

    Sullivan’s argument is that marriage equality is about being human, and he emphasizes that gay people are capable of love and loyalty just like everyone else. He states that allowing same-sex couples to get married reflects a welcoming and equal society in which everyone is free to pursue happiness and love without barriers. Sullivan believes that allowing homosexual marriage strengthens the institution of marriage, lowers divorce rates, and encourages longer-lasting marriages. He claims that marriage equality benefits society as a whole by promoting commitment. He uses his own personal experiences, data-driven proof, and the connection of marriage equality with American values to persuade the audience of his point of view. He makes a strong case for why marriage equality is advantageous for all Americans by emphasizing that the fight for gay marriage is not about being homosexual but about being human.

  4. Shivam Patel

    The right to love is inseparable from being human. To deny it is to deny a part of yourself which will cause you to doubt yourself and your capacity to be loved.  To deny the right to love and happiness for one group of people means that these rights can be stripped from everyone else. By denying gay marriage you are going against the right to pursue your own happiness – the ideal of the nation. They base their opinion on their own personal experience and while backing it up with laws, by expressing their experience about being gay shows ethos. By drawing attention to the values of “the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, they emphasize the simplicity of the right to gay marriage and the innate weakness in the arguments against it.

     It is persuasive as you can feel the emotions they were experiencing as you followed them through their experience. They counter to the usual arguments against gay marriage dismantle them through the ethos he expresses – he is gay, and he is happy and that is all that matters.

  5. Ibraheem Zokari

    According to Sullivan’s Op-Ed piece, gay marriage is good for all Americans because it is a right for those who want to pursue happiness and freedom. Sullivan believes that there can’t be marriage equality if there are no rights to gay marriage. To be a true American and pursue freedom, gay marriage should not be hard to achieve and limited for others in the future. He believes gay marriage opens doors, helps comfort people, and strengthens their identity and future. Denying this right to someone destroys marriage equality and freedom in America and people shouldn’t have to struggle to be with who they love. Sullivan states, “Which is why, I think, the concept of “coming out” is not quite right. It should be called “coming home.” To be more specific, Sullivan believes gay marriage opens new doors and opportunities for people. His argument is based on civil rights explaining that gay marriage is a basic human right like voting and freedom. Sullivan’s argument is persuasive and very informative. He first explains his experiences and then his argument using logical information to argue persuasively and explain his reasoning clearly. He wasn’t biased and used strong resources to prove and explain his opinion.

  6. Gustavo Aviles

    According to Sullivans op ed piece he believes that gay marriage is good for all Americans because they are humans too. it’s a human right as soon as they are born to be able to marry someone they love. It’s also ties to freedom and equality because on how gay marriage is sometimes seen as inferior to a heterosexual marriage. He also states that when people come out it should be rephrased as people coming home. he based his opinion on his own experiences on when he was going thought this state and didn’t feel like he could be like his parents where they had a heterosexual marriage. This is persuasive but not too aggressive as he just wanted to give thoughts of how he felt and how he manages to get past this stage of life.

  7. Elianny

    According to Andrew, gay marriage is important because it opens the doors for people to know themselves and have their freedom of expression without being judged by society. His points are about how we should not prohibit ourselves from doing something as long as it is what we want. We don’t have to feel afraid/shame for being who we are. He also makes a point and it is how people do not know how to carry out their lives without discrimination from society. The point that I liked the most is that herosexuality is not the only way to be happy (that’s how I understood it) and that everyone is happy in their own way. For me, this article has no persuasion because I feel like it’s more a narrative article.

  8. Brandon Rumola

    Sullivan argues that gay marriage is good for all Americans because it promotes equality, strengthens families, and upholds core American values such as individual liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He based his viewpoint in the ideas of individual liberty and civil rights. Due to the fact that his arguments focus on the concepts of equality and individual rights, many readers found them convincing. 

  9. Jaylene

    Gay marriage is good for all Americans because it allows people to practice their own right to the pursuit of happiness and to live a life they control. Being able to love and be with who you desire is one of the greatest happiness there is out there. Having to hide and pretend to be somebody you’re not, can affect your mental health greatly and most people go through these feelings as kids. America is supposed to be the land of the free and not being able to do something as little as marrying your partner goes against this idea. He bases his opinion on personal experience and what his life was like suppressing his own feelings and emotions at a young age. He argues persuasively explaining how taking this right away from people had a negative effect on himself and the rest of the community, but now he is able to openly love who he wants.

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