Post at least two paragraphs (minimum 6 sentences each., but as long as you like) describing an incident you witnessed or experienced using concrete detail. Try to describe it like a storyteller so the readers can picture it in their minds. Show us as much as possible, paint the picture so the reader can be there with you. Just do your best. It’s not a graded assignment, but it is good practice for the first graded essay.
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Two years ago, my family bought a three-story house in Staten Island. My dad and uncle decided to have us the cousins help them renovate. It was four girls and four boys. My uncles were teaching us things we never thought we would learn. We might not need to use the new skills we learn right now but it will be helpful in the future to know how to paint, how to drill, and fixing things in the house in general. We hated being forced to work in the summer or even school days but I’m grateful and thankful for having this experience with my family.
My cousins and I created memories we could never forget.We had some unforgettable memories from our serious mistakes. One of these incidents was caused by me.Towards the end of our renovation on the second floor, I have seen my uncle sand the living room floor to make it look newer with a floor sander. The floor sander looked like a bigger and thicker vacuum with a circle base. It looked light when being used but heavy to move when not in use.My uncle made it seem very easy to use but it was only because of his strength. However, one day he was on the first floor and me and my cousin were on the second floor trying to use the floor sander. My cousins weren’t even thinking of using it but I thought I had seen enough for me to use it. One of my cousins said “no, just wait for my dad”I replied “no trust me it’s easy and just let me try”. The living room was filled with four people which is already dangerous to use the sander around.However, I decided to take action and used the floor sander that was almost my height (5 ‘1). I used it right the first time but we decided to unplug it and see the change in the floor. The second time I used it ,it was almost moving me around and I lost control. My uncle came when the sand started to move uncontrollably. My cousins were yelling stop,everyone was moving around,and I was trying not to look scared because I was scared of my uncle. As my cousin was trying to unplug it the machine moved towards him which made me see a face of my uncle I had never seen. My uncle and everyone is staring at me yelling. I almost injured my cousin and gave myself a “heart attacked”. Thankfully, my cousin unplugged it right away and moved away from me fast.Sadly I would never forget that day mostly because of how my uncle yelled at me not how I almost injured my cousin. My uncle tried to make us laugh after everyone saw their life flash but I was only smiling out of embarrassment and shame.Since this incident I’m ten times scared to use a michelin even If I have used it many times before.
Kawthar, that’s a very good telling of what happened. As I was reading I became very caught up in the moment and hoped all would be ok. Nice job.
Last school year, my little sister attended an afterschool program across the street from my apartment. she really loves it there and begs to stay past afterschool hours on days this computer club is held. A lot of teenage boys with bad mouths go there so I don’t really like that environment for her even though the center is for kids to go do their homework and have fun while also staying out trouble. So far It seems like a nice community but sometimes it worries me that shell pick up on bad influences. My sister doesn’t see the world the way I do. while she sees the good, I see both the good and bad. I might be overacting but I’ve always been cautious and even more having little sisters.
On normal day, just before summer break, I went to pick her up from afterschool. Pick up is at 6:00 and since its right across the street, I have no problem making it on time. I crossed the street, walked towards the building and opened one of the heavy burgundy doors. I walked up the staff. at this point he knows my face, so I don’t need to tell him who I’m there to pick up, but this time he had a confused look on his face. Like he didn’t know why I was there. He called for my little sister over the walkie-talkie, and someone responds that she didn’t come in the day. At that moment my heart skipped a beat. My mom called me before to pick her up so not even she knew where she was. i got lightheaded and tried to control my breathing. One of the staff members told me to wait in the office while they figure out where she is. while sitting there so many scary thoughts went through my head. I had thought what if she ran off with a stranger or what if she was kidnapped or what if someone who wasn’t supposed to pick her up took her. My stomach dropped at the thought that my sister had become a missing persons case and that I would never see her again. The staff returned with news that my sister has been waiting for me at her school. Turns out she had a field trip and they returned late. The school failed to inform my mom and as a result I thought my sister was taken. she will be returning this school year and after that scare I will be having her call me when she gets out of school, while she’s walking to program with a group of kids from her school, and when she arrives. You can never be too careful. The world is a dangerous place.
During the summer of 2022, I worked a lot to make money while I had the chance. I worked 6 to 7 days a week and although it may seem boring and tiring to some people, I enjoyed it. Going out every day, having a responsibility, and really just moving around seemed better than just being at home and not doing anything. My commute to work is alright but it’s not the best. Without traffic, public transportation takes me at least 30 to 40 minutes to get to work, but living in NYC, I always deal with some type of delay or traffic. It usually takes me more than 50 minutes to get there and when it gets really bad, about an hour. You never really know so I always had to plan ahead and wake up early. To make the best of it, I usually wear headphones or use my phone to keep myself busy. Although it could be really annoying and tiring, especially dealing with the MTA, I always use this as a form of motivation to work harder and buy a car so that I don’t have to deal with the annoyance.
As usual, it was a hot summer day in the middle of July. In the busy streets of East Flatbush buses, dollar vans, cars, and cyclists are all competing to be the loudest and disrupt traffic the most. It was around 12 to 1PM and I was on an extremely packed bus waiting for my next stop to transfer to the subway. I was by the backdoors waiting to be the first one out. Every seat was packed on the bus and it was pretty loud from the music and kids in the back. Once my stop was here I got out walking towards the train station. As usual, I had my headphones in listening to music and wasn’t really paying too much attention to my surroundings. While waiting for the cars to pass by and cross, there was a guy behind me on a moped with his blasting music sped and went right into traffic. Luckily he didn’t injure hurt himself to bad as he was able to pass the car by an inch but ended up losing control and falling towards the end of the street. With the help of the people around him he ended up getting right back up, checked himself and the moped and left the scene. Watching this unfold right in front of me not only startled me but made me think about how in a matter of seconds, his life could’ve changed forever. The mans ignoring and not paying attention to his surroundings could have hurt himself and others really bad. There’s an endless amount of ways that situation could have ended but it made me realize how important it is to be aware of your surroundings when you’re out in public. Using headphones, being busy on your phone or just doing anything that takes away your senses and causes you to be distracted is not a smart thing to do when you are outside.