We are AlphaBear

Our names are:

Ana Panameno

Rajeen Khadka

Sahriar Islam

Lutfar Nahar

Asif Nabi

Miraz Nabi


What it is?

As a group we have identified our audience and we wanted to contact as many people as possible with our message for the present and future of viruses. We decided to make a website because many people have access to a digital device that can connect them to the internet and our website.

What it does?

The website we created is a vessel of information that people of all types can use, our mission is to vouch and fight for the health and wellbeing of New Yorkers when faced with future viruses and dealing with the present virus.


The website is easy to navigate there are 5 tabs, HOME, OVERVIEW, ABOUT US, INFO and CONTACT. The home tab will give you a brief overview where you can see what our website is about you can click ā€œread moreā€ that will forward you to the overview page. The overview page will give you information of the hardships we faced during covid-19 pandemic. The about us will bring you to our mission. The info section will give you info on how corona virus spreads as well as preventative care and what we plan on doing for future viruses. Finally, the contact page will give you several pages on where to contact us.


Currently, the world is facing a deadly pandemic that has been seen before. Like other cities of the world New York City also has been facing this pandemic since March,2020. This pandemic hit NYC very hard, that brings a huge number death as well as misery of countless families. The situation becomes has worsened because we had no preparation to face this kind of outbreak, and still we are not ready to combat the next outbreak. For the mitigation of mass suffering, we created a philanthropic organization to make public awareness to a prevent probable outbreak. As a group we decided that our audience are the residents of New York City and the government. Considering New York City has been the most effected by COVID-19 we must include them in this conversation. New York City is a densely populated city thatā€™s why; New Yorkers are in the high risk of any infectious diseases.

Our Impact

Coronavirus is one of the most contagious viruses that humanity has seen in a century. This virus has spread the world just in a little over three months. Maintaining awareness and vigilance is crucial as the outbreak is still growing. The internet is the best source for spreading awareness among the public. So, we believe that when our project will go live in July first, it will help to spread awareness and keep people informed about this virus.

The second impact will be the project will clear the misconceptions about the coronavirus that is on peopleā€™s minds. Many people believe that this virus is no different than regular flu, and there is nothing they can do to stop spreading it which is not true at all. In New York City, more than 219,00 people have gotten infected, and 23,000 people have died from this virus. The death toll could have been less if people were not ignorant and held this misbelief in their minds. Many people still refuse to wear a mask as they think it is not going to affect us anyway. We expect that our project will educate people.

The third impact is that not only the project will help people to prevent themselves from coronavirus, but also this project gives ideas to people how to preparation and precaution about future pandemic diseases. We have given the most effective preventive steps of coronavirus, so the people are being safe as much as possible. We have also proposed some futuristic precautionary ideas that will help to prevent or take the preparation for future viruses.

How we are reaching our audience.

We created a website where we described in great detail about public awareness and technique of tactics for next outbreak. We created this website to send our message to the residents who use the internet, and those who do not use internet they will be informed with our flyers and leaflets.

Link to our website:

Jun Liu Individual Final Work

Jun Liu
ENG2575 OL51 SU2020

  1. The research that I have done during the semester was the perspective aspect of our project. I research and observate the different perspectives held by different ages of New Yorkers. We concluded that most young american and youth are not performing any precautionary action in controlling the virus from spreading around our states and country. I also research about the different state and federal support provided to New Yorkers. I provided different states and federal support with descriptions and links accessible through the website I created.
  2. First, I was working with Gen Li on the first two assignments. We compare and contrast the different views out the window and their concerns in our neighborhood. The two of us were placed into a group with Asif Nabi and Miraz Nabi. We worked fine the first week with another compare and contrast over the different views and different concerns in our neighborhood. We also came up with the idea that we should introduce the different precautionary stages: Perspective, Protection and Prevention. I also came up with the slogan, PPP Coordinator, which was used as our group name. Unfortunately, the lack of social experience from Asif Nabi causes the group to break up. Asif Nabi had an argument with Gen Li, who was the group leader at the moment, because Asif was not responding to our scheduled meeting. I still remember the response from Professor Barlow to Asif Nabiā€™s email complaining Gen Li on his rudeness and disrespectfulness. Professor Barlow stated that the people involved in it today are the people who are going to be your bosses or who are going to have attitudes like your bosses. Gen Li and I left the group and decided to continue on the research and project we started. My position was basically getting our project to ā€œgo liveā€ by creating a website from zero. I discuss with Gen Li whenever he has questions about his research. I also researched about the perspective aspect and the support that was provided by state and federal to the residence. We shared our information with the SSCJ team and invited their group members, Joel Tejada and Sadeek Brown to our group chat.


Week 1 Assignment 1 Brief Description About myself
Week 1 Assignment 2 Looking out the window, what do you see and what are the peopleā€™s concern
Week 1 Assignment 3 Joined Group with Gen Li and did a compare and contrast about the neighborhood and peopleā€™s concern
Week 2 Assignment 4 Joined a group of four with members including: Gen Li, Asif Nabi, Miraz Nabi and Myself. We discuss on Whatsapp.
Week 2 Assignment 4 We did another compare and contrast on all of our neighborhood and the modern concern
Week 2 Assignment 5 We discuss about the goals and audience about the modern concern and how we are able to bring the project live
Week 3 Discussions We scheduled a daily meeting on 8:00PM to discuss about the different research progress
Week 3 Discussions We came up with the group name PPP Coordinator
Week 3 Group Member Argument Gen Li and Asif Nabi had an argument because Asif was not showing up for scheduled meeting
Week 3 PPP Coordinator Gen and I left the group and invited Sadeek Brown to work with us on the project we started.
Week 3 Site Map I started the site map and the layout of our site
Week 4 Partial Research Gen sent me partial research so I can get an image of the amount of content on our site.
Week 4 SSCJ Team Sadeek Brown sent me partial research from their group and requested to join content on our website.
Week 4 All the Support Description and Links are done I show my progress on the index page and support page to our group. I finished my part on support research. I also discuss with Gen about the perspective that youth and young adults are having which endanger New Yorkers.
Week 4 All research is done Gen and Sadeek sent me all their research so I can finish the site on time
Week 5 Site is done I post the site to Netlify

July 2, 2020

Dear Professor LestĆ³n,

During the period of pause in New York and most states in the United States, I realized how insignificant humans are against viruses. We couldn’t do anything except stay home and avoid gathering with others to flatten the curve. I left my work on March 21,2020 due to Covid-19 impact. Just like other New Yorkers, I was forced to stay home until classes started on June 1. Everyday and night, the news report is reporting Covid-19 but in a form of a political conflict. I was glad that Professor Barlow provided opportunities for us to take place in a war against the invisible enemy. I felt like I was one of the frontline warriors in the hospital or out the street testing people.

Gen and Li created the project PPP Coordinator and we formed a website. It’s a matter of little effort compared to what the doctors and nurses have done during the pandemic but at least one small insignificant combined with more insignificant may result in significant returns. I am proud of myself when I may answer the question about what I have done during the pandemic; I created a website that informs people to perform precautionary action to avoid infection and preventing the virus from surging again.

Your Student,

Jun Liu From New York City College of Technology


Link to Doc:


SSCJ Research Team:

Members: Joel Tejada, Samay Shrestha, Sadeek Brown & Christopher Bello

*Special thanks to the PPP Coordinators*: Gen Li & Jun Liu


We have created a video that goes over the history of the coronavirus and information that can prepare our audience of the coronavirus. We also created a small pamphlet with key facts as well that will be distributed to our audience. Because of some research that was conducted by us, we were able to conclude that many Hispanics spend a lot of time on social media as well. That led us to create a social media account to post up some of our work. We also partnered with another group and had our information posted on their website. Our goal was to bring attention to the fact that the virus is complex and there is no vaccine, so preventative measures are the key to stopping the pandemic currently. Therefore, we decided to translate the research we did into Spanish to provide those who cannot read or understand English to be able to get helpful information during this time. The reason we have Spanish translations in our video and pamphlets are because we chose to focus down on the Hispanic subpopulation of NYC and a fairly large portion of this population speaks only Spanish. We did this as the Hispanic population is majorly engaged with Social Media and creating a YouTube video and a pamphlet that can be distributed through website/social media would help reach our audience better.

Currently, the video and pamphlet can be accessed by the website created by the PPP group. In addition, the pamphlets can be printed and posted around the city and neighborhoods as well as viewed on Instagram, while the video can be accessed via Youtube, all links included below. Our audience will not necessarily need directions to access the content. But with the appropriate use of hashtags on our Instagram page for every post and YouTube video, this will make our content easily accessible. Many Hispanics are proven to spend a good portion of their free time on social media and watching videos on YouTube. That means most know how to access our content on those specific platforms. For those who donā€™t utilize social media or watch YouTube videos, our information is also available in English, hoping a younger family member who knows English, can share our information with their family members.

We hope that our information will reach a minority population within our city and help them gain a better understanding of the virus, and where it comes from, and why it is important to take preventative measures. Our goal was simply to inform a population that may not have been given access to the information so many of us have taken for granted. Language barriers are hard to overcome and getting the information in their native language can be the difference between someone acting or not, to save a life during this time.

Links & Research:

(Links to Instagram page and posts)

(Link to YouTube video)

(Link to research gathered and used throughout the project)

(Link to the website created by the PPP Coordinators (Gen Li & Jun Liu)

(Links to raw media)

Note: The video is too large to upload here, you will have to watch the youtube link to view it.

Spanish Pamphlet

English Pamphlet


Submission of Final Work–Due 7/3, 11:59 p.m.

Dear Students,

Here’s how we are going to close out the semester.Ā  There are two parts to this post.Ā  Group Work and Individual Work. Make sure to read everything all the way through.


Someone from your group will post the final work for everyone. Make this a new blog post and title it GROUP FINAL WORK.

List all members of the project.

Then, in the blog post, give us an overview of the project. Imagine that you were going to explain it to someone who knows nothing about it.

  • Tell us what it is.
  • Tell us what it does.
  • Tell us what components it has. If your audience will need directions for how to access parts of it, make sure that you include that here.
  • Tell us what impact you feel the project will have when you “go live” on July 3rd.
  • Explain how you are reaching your audience.
  • Provide any other context that you think is necessary.

After your overview, provide a link or links to the project.

Evaluation Criteria:

Attached here is a peer collaboration sheet that you need to fill out and email to me. It asks that you evaluate your contribution and the contribution of your peers. This is private, so I am the only who should receive it. I can’t grade your group project unless you send this to me, and it has to be through email.


Make a new post and title it Individual Final Work.

Here you should attach a single word file. In it should be the following, and this is taken from Professor Barlow. If you use Google Docs, make sure you have the sharing settings open so that I can access it.

  1. An explanation of the research that you did during the semester, making sure the research you did is spelled out clearly.
  2. An explanation of your participation, including details on who you worked with, and your participation in the final group project.
  3. Your log/journal with dates.
  4. Last, I’d like you to write me (Professor LestĆ³n) a one page letter where you reflect on the semester. You can include anything you like here, but the point is that I have a sense of what you learned and what you experienced. This well help me interpret your other work and it will help you think about what you can take away from the semester and use in the future.



Update on Project


Collaboration: PPP Coordinators (Gen Li and Jun Liu) teams up with SSCJ Team Researcher (Christopher Bell, Sadeek Brown, Joel Tejada, Samay Shrestha)

The project is close to completion. Here is what each member has worked on:

Jun Liu: -Used Bootstrap framework template to build a website. Coded the navigation menu (pages include home, challenge, mission, support, contact, and many more), added background and optional instrumental music, and created a simulation of the infection that corresponds to the worldwide coronavirus tracker. Ā Also, responsible for the support page, which consist of collapsible menu to some federal and state support and services and a brief description for each item.

Gen Li: Wrote a comprehensive description of the coronavirus (including how the virus invades the human body on a cellular level and organ level, methods in which the disease can spread, some evaluation of the symptoms, and a list of ways to take precautions and protection). Links will be provided for reference. Wrote about perspective, an opinion mixed with facts, to encourage the readers to continue their role in the reduction of COVID-19 transmission.

Sadeek Brown: Researched and wrote about the chronological history of the coronavirus. Provided an in-depth introduction to RNA such as explaining its function and its importance in carrying out the disease. A brief depiction of suspected sources from wildlife animal cross-species transmission. In addition, some background information about the previous type of coronavirus that affects human such as NL63, SARS, and MERS.

Joel Tejada: responsible for google translating Sadeekā€™s portion of writing into Spanish. And stringing together an informational video (starts off with what the virus is, then the history, and finally the method of prevention) in Spanish.