Author Archives: Maya H.



Part of Speech: intransitive verb

1st Definition: to pass ( a liquid ) gradually through small spaces or a porous substance; filter

2nd Definition: to drain or ooze through; permeate

Source: Collins Dictionary

Found in the 7th line of ” Thirsting ” by Alicia Ostriker

I felt that it would be helpful to look up this word, because I myself was ignorant of it’s meaning. So I wanted to make sure that the rest of the class knew what it meant.

Edit: I had no idea that the actual definition didn’t go through, that’s embarrassing.

Poetry in Motion – Dew by Kay Ryan

Poem for First Blog PostĀ 

The poem “Dew” by Kay Ryan was generously given to me by Professor Bannett as I was unable to find any poems on the trains I use to get to school. My initial reaction to reading the poem was “While this poem is nice, it’s meaning seems very general”. The art is very simple, it’s a green stem with green leaves. Green is usually synonymous with life, so I thought I think the leaves represent individual people. I believe that this poem was chosen for train riders, because it represents every day life. The speaker appears to an outside point of view, this poem has no first person or third. The speaker is more invested in the scene before him, probably watching people walking around in front of him.

The subject is plants which I believe to be analogy for humans. “But unattached and subject to their weight”, this could mean that all people have different goals in life even when they are working together. The theme is life. People come and go in your life every day, some contribute to your day and others are just random strangers. Yes, I think that “Dew” is accessible for general readers since it’s meaning can be interpreted in many ways. Some questions I have would be: Where was Kay Ryan when she was writing this poem ? What inspired her ? Why is she being so cryptic ?



Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A feeling of disappointment about someone or something you previously respected or admired; disillusionment

Source: Oxford Dictionaries

Found in Success Story

I thought it would be help to look up this word, so that people could understand it’s context within the prose poem.



Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: not cared for or looked after; neglected

Source: Oxford Dictionaries

Found in ” The Thirteenth Woman ”

I already knew the definition, but I usually see the word unattended in the place of untened, so I wanted to make sure people knew that it was basically the same.



Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: The principle mast of a ship, typically the second mast in a sailing ship of three or more masts.

Source: Oxford Dictionaries

Found in ” My Boy Willie ” Line 35

Looking up the definition of mainmast helped me understand the passage. I had never seen the word before, so at first I looked at and said to myself: ” What in the world is this ?”



Part of Speech: adjective

Source: Oxford Dictionaries

Definition: always right or accurate

Found in Claude McKay’s America, line 13

Knowing the definition of unerring helped me understand the line better. Where it says: ‘ Beneath the touch of Time’s unerring hand, ‘



Part of speech: noun

Source: English Oxford Living Dictionaries

Definition: A rich, heavy silk or linen fabric with a pattern woven into it, used for table linen and upholstery.

Found in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130, line 5: My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun

Knowing the definition of damasked helped me to understand the line fully. A first I looked at ‘ I have seen roses damasked, red and white ‘ like what does that mean ? But now I see that the speaker is comparing his wife’s cheeks to the beauty of a tablecloth.