Monthly Archives: December 2018


Part of Speech: noun

Definition:is a Korean dish similar to a Western stew. There are many varieties; it is typically made with meat, seafood or vegetables in a broth seasoned with gochujang, doenjang, ganjang or saeujeot.

Source: Words at Dictionary

Choi Jeong Min by Franny Choi

“My Korean name is the star my mother cooks into the jjigae to follow home when I am lost.”

The word “Jjigae” is a Korean dish and in the poem the author shares how her name is like the main part of Jjigae when her mom cooks it.


Part of Speech: noun

Definition:foreigner, especially a person of Philippine, Korean, or Vietnamese

Source: Words at Dictionary

Choi Jeong Min by Franny Choi (Line 5)

“Already Knew to let my salty gook name drag behind me in the sand, safely out of sight”

The word “Gook” is a term used to express a foreign name especially a Korean, Philippine person. In the poem she expresses that her name is a very foreign Korean name.

Blog Post #2 “Sylvia Plath”


Sylvia Plath was an American poet best known for her novel The Bell Jar, and for her poetry collections The Colossus and Ariel. Sylvia Plath was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on October 27, 1932. Sylvia Plath was a gifted and troubled poet, known for the confessional style of her work. Her interest in writing emerged at an early age, and she started out by keeping a journal. After publishing a number of works, Plath won a scholarship to Smith College in 1950.While she was a student, Sylvia Plath spent time in New York City during the summer of 1953 working for Mademoiselle magazine as a guest editor. Soon after, Plath tried to kill herself by taking sleeping pills. She eventually recovered, having received treatment during a stay in a mental health facility. Plath returned to Smith and finished her degree in 1955. A Fulbright Fellowship brought Sylvia Plath to Cambridge University in England. While studying at the university’s Newnham College, she met the poet Ted Hughes. The two married in 1956 and had a stormy relationship. In 1957, Plath spent time in Massachusetts to study with poet Robert Lowell and met fellow poet and student Ann Sexton. She also taught English at Smith College around that same time. Plath returned to England in 1959.

A poet on the rise, Sylvia Plath had her first collection of poetry, The Colossus, published in England in 1960. That same year, she gave birth to her first child, a daughter named Freida. Two years later, Plath and Hughes welcomed a second child, a son named Nicholas. Unfortunately, the couple’s marriage was failing apart. After Hughes left her for another woman in 1962, Sylvia Plath fell into a deep depression. Struggling with her mental illness, she wrote The Bell Jar (1963), her only novel, which was based on her life and deals with one young woman’s mental breakdown. Plath published the novel under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas. She also created the poems that would make up the collection Ariel (1965), which was released after her death. Sylvia Plath committed suicide on February 11, 1963.Against the wishes of fans and admirers of Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes became her literary executor after her death. While there has been some speculation about how he handled her papers and her image, he did edit what is considered by many to her greatest work, Ariel. It featured several of her most well-known poems, including “Daddy” and “Lady Lazarus.” He continued to produce new collections of Plath’s works. Sylvia Plath won the Pulitzer Prize in 1982 for Collected Poems. She is still a highly regarded and much studied poet to this day. The story of Sylvia Plath—her troubled life and tragic death—was the basis for the 2003 biopic Sylvia starring Gwyneth Paltrow in the title role.


Spoken Words

In the film we watched, Louder Than a Bomb, the performances by the high schoolers surprised me because of their ability to express their deepest thoughts and emotions in front of so many people. These students clearly loved and were passionate about what they were doing. Speaking about your most personal feelings and experiences is scary and I cannot imagine doing that because of all the pressure that would be on me. I learned from this movie that spoken word poetry is a type of art that can be used to successfully express yourself in cases where you might have no other way to comfortably express yourself.

I do not think I would be able to perform spoken word poetry because it is one thing to have someone read your poems/writing, but it is completely different when I would have to get up in front of people and read it to them without suppressing my emotion. There are definitely strong connections between spoken word poetry and contemporary music. Specifically with rap because rap is essentially spoken word in a different form. Many rappers incorporate verses into their music that have less or no music in the background so that it sounds exactly like spoken word.





Part Of Speech-Noun

Definition-greedy or excessive indulgence

Source -Webster Dictionary

Choi Jeong MIn

Franny Choi

They make them into these greedy people but then get mad when they actually become these selfish greedy people.




Part Of Speech-Adjective

Definition-Subject to harsh and authoritarian treatment.

Source -Webster Dictionary

Found in ” Hair” by Elizabeth Acevedo (line 17)

This word expresses  how people from different races go through oppression because of the way they look.



Part Of Speech-Verb

Definition- mature or develop in a promising or healthy way.

Source -Webster Dictionary

“Folding My Clothes”

Julia Alvarez

This word is explaining how the girl is growing because now it says her feet grew





Part Of Speech-Verb

Definition-look or gaze in an unpleasant, malicious, or lascivious way.

Source -Webster Dictionary

Julia Alvarez

“All American Girl”

This is another word that also describes how she vie the way Americans speak.



Part Of Speech-Noun

Definition-a desire to hurt, annoy, or offend someone.

Julia Alvarez

“All American Girl”

This word in the context is showing how the person is trying to be american and thinks this word is how Americans portray themselves.

My Thoughts on Spoken Word Poetry

When I think of Spoken Word poetry, I think of someone speaking from their head and their heart. At the same time trying to relate to the audience, while speaking about their own experiences. Spoken word could be an outlet from actually writing a certain type of poetry, spoken word is more creative writing during your free time, words that you don’t have to actually worry about if they are written in a certain way. When people have to perform their spoken word poems out loud its almost like a performance in the sense that its very theatrical and their voices make you feel their emotion at the time.

I don’t think I could perform a spoken word poem in front of a crowd right now, but with practice of the craft, I wouldn’t mind. In class we read the poem “Puerto Rican Obituary” by Pedro Pietri and his poem was not only longer than a lot of the other poems we read in class but the way the speaker was trying to connect with its audience was deep. Even the film we watched in class “Louder Than a Bomb” with all the spoken word artists, everyone had a different style and a different way of performing their poem which was good to see.