
Visual Quote #2

“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”

I decided on a color that would be similar to yellow if not gold. It is the color of prosperity and wealth and I think that this what this quote is promoting. The font isĀ Adobe Caslon Pro, I choose it for itsĀ aesthetic; I believe that it is setting a tone of professionalism although I am not completely fond of the shaping of the ‘T’.

This quote is true in that staying hungry will always keep you looking for more out of life, to feed whatever it is that you feel you are lacking. It is how an artist keeps discovering new ideas and continues to be inspired. Staying foolish hold the same weight, it is being foolish that makes us unconcerned with making mistakes or looking ‘dumb’. Both has its own necessity in anyone’s life, and this is why it speaks to me.

Visual Quote #1

“It is important to use your hands, this distinguishes you from a cow or a computer operator. ”

The type used in the work isĀ Sitka Subheading, this font is clean and read able though I also found it to be more appealing than the conventional typefaces. To meĀ thisĀ fontĀ looks similar to Georgia, however it does have subtleĀ differences. My goal was to choose a font that looks professional and colors that didn’t compete with the photograph of Paul Rand, all while still putting emphasis on the words I found to be key in his quote.

Personally I took a liking to this quote because I enjoy the seeing hand lettering and illustrations, walking into a store and seeing Ā a poster or any letter design that has been done by hand gives me a thrill. These works make me stop and appreciate the time that has been put into them, this is the same for digital works as well but hand projects even more so. Ā I do think that it is still necessary to learn these skills though I’ve meet a lot of people who don’t, but I suppose that has more to do with interest than anything else.


Personal Banner

This quote speaks to my character because it is very hectic in a way; being that there are many lines to it of all sizes. However the amount of lines and the positioning brings it to be clear cut and readable, cluttered yet neat in the same light.

I opted to keep this logo black and white rather than to go with traditional art deco colors because I wanted to keep it simple. I felt that adding color would lead to a mixture of mess as I haven’t learned to put color on illustrations as I would want to yet.