Visual Quote #1

“It is important to use your hands, this distinguishes you from a cow or a computer operator. ”

The type used in the work is Sitka Subheading, this font is clean and read able though I also found it to be more appealing than the conventional typefaces. To me this font looks similar to Georgia, however it does have subtle differences. My goal was to choose a font that looks professional and colors that didn’t compete with the photograph of Paul Rand, all while still putting emphasis on the words I found to be key in his quote.

Personally I took a liking to this quote because I enjoy the seeing hand lettering and illustrations, walking into a store and seeing  a poster or any letter design that has been done by hand gives me a thrill. These works make me stop and appreciate the time that has been put into them, this is the same for digital works as well but hand projects even more so.  I do think that it is still necessary to learn these skills though I’ve meet a lot of people who don’t, but I suppose that has more to do with interest than anything else.