Graffiti is Art But

I find graffiti to be very beautiful. It takes a lot of talent to create such master peices, however it is wrong. Without the the permission of the owner of the canvas being painted on it is vandalisim. The same way going into a store and taking what you want with out paying for it is wrong. Though the creations are art, the artists (Barry Mcgee) seem to be more thrilled and excited to create peices when they don’t have permission. Hence when they get permission to use a space they tend to lose intrest and get the perception that it is no longer authentic or real graffiti. there seems to be more behind graffiti art work the the art the is a sense of addiction and criminality. It is vandalisim in the plainest sense of the word. I the last video where there was a specific space dedicated to graffiti, i thought that was a brilliant idea. There is still the sense of being outside and being authentic to it origin. In those instances I this it is straight art.

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graffiti can be art and history

Graffiti can be view as art and history because it is a way to express feeling in two different way by using pictures or writing . Egyptian writing is history ,they left a sign of life and telling us today that they once existed, to tell us about how their life use to be. Graffiti is art, is a way of telling how people feel a way to release their emotion by drawing pictures of things that come to their mind . Personally i think graffiti give life to certain places five points use to be a building without any use, a plain building but with the art and history it has, it give it a sense that there is people trying to tell us something about them whether it is from the past or from the present, they are there.

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Graffiti as Art, Graffiti as History

After I watch the video “Graffiti as Art, Graffiti as History.” I think Graffiti should be as art and history. Graffiti is a way to express our thought to the society. It reflects of complaints and unfair things around our lives. This art consciousness reflects the fact, as long as the event is the existence of such facts, will generate ideas in our mind. Because the graffiti culture is a human culture and human had spread all over the world the graffiti culture also should be worldwide. On the wall or floor that is not possible for the paintings. But, graffiti could do it. That also make graffiti the one and only.

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Is graffiti art?

If someone were to ask me if I think graffiti I would tell them yes. If you ask any artist they will tell you that art expresses their feelings and come from the creativity of their mind and thus being that graffiti is expression through spray paint on walls it should and by me is considered to be art. Although there is a wide aurety of opinions about whether or not graffiti is art many of the people who disagree argue about the people who do graffiti and where it’s done. To further elaborate upon this art has its time and place just like painter has his canvases to paint a graffiti artist should respect other people’s property and find places where people who appreciate the art can recognize the work of the artist just like famous painters art are located in museums.  This is how I feel about graffiti being an art.

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Response to : Graffiti as Art, Graffiti as History

Graffiti can most definitively be defined as art. Art comes from the creativity of the mind. They also say a picture is worth a thousand words. If you look closely at any type of graffiti, whether it be writing on an old statue or on a building in the street, they all tell a different story. The story can be about the person who created the graffiti, such as their name or where they’re from, or it can tell a totally made up story. I do believe, however, that graffiti does have a certain place to be made, as does any other type of art. It should not be made on private property without the owners consent. If it is on a train or an abandoned building, graffiti artists should be able to do as they please. As stated in the videos, the graffiti isn’t damaging any of the property, it can be easily painted over. Something that has been going on for hundreds of years should not be stopped because some people of society do not believe graffiti is considered to be art. I do believe that graffiti can be labeled as art and should go down in history as art.

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can Graffiti be art or history?

Before I can give my opinion on this question I must first define the word “art”. Art is defined on the global internet as “The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture”. And as we see from the video by Barry McGee and Margaret Kilgallen, when one does graffiti they express their thoughts and emotions so that the world may see. Graffiti isn’t just words on a wall. It is showing the artist past experience, struggles and triumph through  out life. Graffiti is almost similar to relief works in such a way that they are both drawn on straight walls with the exemption that reliefs are shown out slightly more. In my opinion anything may be art, whether it is a line a do or just shades of color, once the pencil is used on paper it has now became art.

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Ancient Greek Men and Today’s Man

In the speech by Pericles he states “at Athens we live exactly as we please, and yet are just as ready to encounter every legitimate danger”. This is shown in the statue of the Doryphorus by how the man in the statue is positioned. He is sculpted so that one arm and one leg are tensed and the other arm and leg are at rest, representing that at any moment the person in the statue is ready for any danger coming his way. I think that we share some traits of the ideal Greek male because we live the way we wont but I do not believe we are ready for every danger that awaits us. The ideal male for today is similar because we both idolize being muscular but we do not need to prepare for dangers because the amount of threats has lessened over time.

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Homework Response: Polykleitos video

This video of  the Polykleitos is in between when it comes to accuracy. The reason for this is because some of the points made like when he mentioned that the position of the foot and the weight being placed on one and how weight is being shifted. But there were some in accurate descriptions as he called the sculpture an athlete.

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Discussion Topic: Graffiti as Art, Graffiti as History

Graffiti has existed since ancient times and continues as an important form of creative expression today. Watch the following videos on contemporary artists Barry McGee (b. 1966) and Margaret Kilgallen (d. 2001) and the beginning of a clip on Roman Emperor Hadrian’s legacy in Egypt for examples of early graffiti. Discuss how graffiti can convey a sense of history, and whether you think graffiti can be art.

You can also watch a short clip on 5Pointz, a graffiti mecca in nearby Long Island City. The building is slated for demolition and redevelopment.

Please note: due to the upcoming holidays and school closures, you have TWO weeks to post/comment on this discussion topic. The deadline is Saturday, September 29th. Also, please start creating your own unique blog posts rather than adding them as comments to this thread.

Don’t forget to log in to your OpenLab account and join the class on the course profile page in order to add a blog post.

See instructions on how to “post” and “comment” under “Blogging Guidelines” above

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Response: Polykleitos video

The narrator had few errors when talking about Polykleitos , although his explanation on contrapposto was okay he did make a mistake. He stated while one side of the body is in motion and the other isn’t, when it should be the statue experiences a weight change where one part of his body supports another while maintaining the pose. Also, the Polykleitos was a representation of the ideal man, yet the narrator says it was to show the ideal athlete.


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