Tag Archives: exam

Reminder: Midterm Postponed until Tuesday 3/21

Due to the Snow Day on 3/14, the midterm is postponed until next week. Please arrive early on Tuesday 3/21 in A631, so that we can begin the midterm exam promptly. Please review this earlier announcement for details on the midterm exam: … Continue reading

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Upcoming Midterm Postponed to 3/21

Due to the impending snowstorm (and the possibility classes may not run tomorrow) the midterm is rescheduled to Tuesday March 21st, 10 am in Atrium 631. Because we begin with the slide id’s please make sure you arrive on time, otherwise you will … Continue reading

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Short List for Midterm Exam

I have posted the short list for the midterm exam under Class Downloads/Slide Lists. Any image you see on the midterm will be taken from this list. Please take time to review the Exam Format for the midterm. The exam … Continue reading

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