Alfonso Gonzalez: Who Takes Selfies?

Some findings that I found most interesting from Selfie City was the selfiexploratory in which you can set filters to determine specific demographics of people depending on which they posed or made a certain gesture with their face. Although another more interesting finding is the fact that median range of people who take the most selfies tend to be people who are much older than 20 year old’s who are often categorized by their overuse of phones and pictures. Whereas people who live in far off places like Bangkok are more geared to taking selfies for those that are younger being in the range of 20-22 year old’s.

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Louis Tejada: Who Takes Selfies?

One of the selfiecity findings that I found interesting to me was that in the five cities there were significantly more female selfies than male selfies and Moscow has an 82% of females who take selfies. On the other hand, New York is in third with a percentage of 61.6% which I found very interesting. Another selfiecity findings that I found interesting was that the cities Bangkok and Sao Paulo had more smiles when the people in those cities take a selfie. The one data that surprised me was that the average amount of head tilt for women is 50% higher than for men with Sao Paulo having an average head tilt of 16.9 degrees for females which was very shocking to me.

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Homework #1: Who Takes Selfies?

Imageplot for New York. Image credit:

The pervasiveness of smartphones has led to the selfie becoming the most prolific form of photography in the 21st century. With the rise of social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, it is increasingly easy to post self-portraits on the Internet. In the first year of Google Photos’ launch (2015-2016), Google stored 24 billion selfies!

For this homework, I would like you to explore the website, and answer a few questions. Selfiecity is an investigation of selfies taken in five different cities. After exploring the site, please go to the findings section and look over the data on selfies in the five cities.

Which Selfiecity findings are most interesting to you? Did any data surprise you? What does the data show are differences between selfies taken in New York and other cities?   Please submit a short 100-word post to share your thoughts on Selfiecity.

This homework is DUE by Tuesday, February 21 at midnight.

Please only check off  the category #studentHW to properly tag your homework for credit!

For instructions on how to create a post on the Openlab, or even how to create an account, look under “Blogging Guidelines” located on the header above.  (Seriously, read this page, it contains step-by-step instructions on how to create a post on our OpenLab class website.)

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Paper #1 is Posted

Paper #1 has been posted on our class website under Class Downloads. I will hand out paper copies of the assignment in class too. This assignment let’s you consider digital photography in relation to storytelling. Please look under “Class Downloads” for a grading rubric.

The due date for Paper #1 is March 2nd.

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Talbot’s Lacock Abbey

In the early history of photography, we will discuss William Henry Fox Talbot’s photographic experiments and his development of the photogenic drawing and the calotype, experiments that he carried out Lacock Abbey. Today, his estate and the surrounding village belongs to the United Kingdom’s National Trust. One can visit the museum in the abbey dedicated to the early history of photography. However, many visitors flock to Lacock to track down filming locations for the Harry Potter films. Here’s a short video identifying some of those sites, enjoy!

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Welcome to Professor Cheng’s History of Photography Class!

Walker Evans, Photos 5 cents. From

Hello ARTH 1100 students! Welcome to the class website for Professor Sandra Cheng’s course on the History of Photography.  This website is for the following section: ARTH 1100-D402 Tues/Thurs  10-11:15 AM. The OpenLab is an integral component to our class. I look forward to our reading, writing, discussion, and LOOKING together this semester.  During class we will review our class website on the OpenLab. In the mean time, look around the website as I continue to add material over the next week.

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