Category Archives: Announcements

Extra Review Material for Photographs on Final Exam

Please note that I have revised the short list for the Final and deleted a few images (the Bechers’ Gas Tower and Serrano’s Piss Christ). Since I will not be able to cover much of the remaining material in-depth,  I … Continue reading

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Final Exam: Short List and Terminology

The Final Exam is on Tuesday 5/23 at 10 am, please arrive on time to avoid missing the slide identification section. It is not possible to go back to Part I after the exam begins.  Please note that the short list … Continue reading

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Reminder: Midterm Postponed until Tuesday 3/21

Due to the Snow Day on 3/14, the midterm is postponed until next week. Please arrive early on Tuesday 3/21 in A631, so that we can begin the midterm exam promptly. Please review this earlier announcement for details on the midterm exam: … Continue reading

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Upcoming Midterm Postponed to 3/21

Due to the impending snowstorm (and the possibility classes may not run tomorrow) the midterm is rescheduled to Tuesday March 21st, 10 am in Atrium 631. Because we begin with the slide id’s please make sure you arrive on time, otherwise you will … Continue reading

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Short List for Midterm Exam

I have posted the short list for the midterm exam under Class Downloads/Slide Lists. Any image you see on the midterm will be taken from this list. Please take time to review the Exam Format for the midterm. The exam … Continue reading

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Reminder: Paper #1 is DUE 3/2

This is a gentle reminder that Paper #1 is due on Thursday 3/2 by the end of day. To submit the paper, you will need to go to Blackboard and upload your paper under the tab “Submit Paper Here.”

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Paper #1 is Posted

Paper #1 has been posted on our class website under Class Downloads. I will hand out paper copies of the assignment in class too. This assignment let’s you consider digital photography in relation to storytelling. Please look under “Class Downloads” … Continue reading

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Welcome to Professor Cheng’s History of Photography Class!

Hello ARTH 1100 students! Welcome to the class website for Professor Sandra Cheng’s course on the History of Photography.  This website is for the following section: ARTH 1100-D402 Tues/Thurs  10-11:15 AM. The OpenLab is an integral component to our class. … Continue reading

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