Author Archives: Sandra Cheng

Homework #1: Who Takes Selfies?

The pervasiveness of smartphones has led to the selfie becoming the most prolific form of photography in the 21st century. With the rise of social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, it is increasingly easy to post self-portraits on … Continue reading

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Paper #1 is Posted

Paper #1 has been posted on our class website under Class Downloads. I will hand out paper copies of the assignment in class too. This assignment let’s you consider digital photography in relation to storytelling. Please look under “Class Downloads” … Continue reading

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Talbot’s Lacock Abbey

In the early history of photography, we will discuss William Henry Fox Talbot’s photographic experiments and his development of the photogenic drawing and the calotype, experiments that he carried out Lacock Abbey. Today, his estate and the surrounding village belongs … Continue reading

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Welcome to Professor Cheng’s History of Photography Class!

Hello ARTH 1100 students! Welcome to the class website for Professor Sandra Cheng’s course on the History of Photography.  This website is for the following section: ARTH 1100-D402 Tues/Thurs  10-11:15 AM. The OpenLab is an integral component to our class. … Continue reading

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