Homework #2

Food is the most significance energy sources of our life, normal human body won’t be able to function probably even if food were not taken for one day, so we can all agree that food is important, especially for soldiers during wars who are constantly performing high intensity exercise or training. Supposedly soldiers should be eating better and healthier than normal people, however after reading the articles I was surprised but at the same time understand why soldiers are having tough times eating “good” during wartime. First it was the money problem where they don’t have as much military funding as today, Second, lacking knowledge of how to cook is a big problem, where as today they had military food packs that are MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) with auto heated packs.

One of my favorite food, or fruit I should said is Apple because my friends and family always tells me one apple a day will keep doctors away, I hate seeing doctors that’s why, and not only apples I like almost all kinds of fruit.

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