Kaitlin Soto-Food and coffee during the civil war

Before viewing the two articles I had no idea that there was such a food shortage during the civil war. Based off the articles it seems like food, and coffee as well, played an pivotal role in the Union’s success during the civil war. However it’s not surprising, if you’re hardly eating—like the Confederate soldiers weren’t— you would suffer from headaches, stomach pains and if your blood sugar got too low, fainting was a possibility. Because of this moral would’ve been extremely low so people wouldn’t want to fight at all.
I found it surprising on how heavily people relied on coffee as they do now. It’s interesting to see how long this cultural norm has been around and how desperate people were back then to keep it. The mixed potential fatal ingredients together in hopes of making something similar to coffee.
A food I couldn’t live without is rice. Rice is a huge part of my diet and is extremely filling. And you can make so many different dishes with rice. 

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