Louis Tejada – Food and Coffee in the Civil War

After reading both articles, what I found fascinating about a Civil War soldier’s diet was that the Union soldiers were fed pork or beef which was usually salted and boiled to extend the shelf life. Also, they were given coffee, sugar, salt, vinegar, and sometimes dried fruits and vegetables if they were in season. In addition, many of the soldiers suffered from hunger, illness, and death from unsanitary and poorly cooked food. Another thing I found fascinating was that coffee fueled the war and how it was often the last comfort the soldiers enjoyed before entering battle, and was the first sign of safety for those who survived. Lastly, I found fascinating that hard tack is a type of biscuit made from unleavened flour and water, and was commonly used to stave off hunger on both sides, after it was baked the hard tack was dried to increase its shelf life.

The food that I can’t live without is cereal because I eat it every day for breakfast and its a good source of fiber.

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