Alfonso Gonzalez: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

The civil war was an egregious time for both sides of the war as there were many casualties and constant warfare. Although the diet of coffee and hard tack was especially interesting as it allowed the union soldiers to stay alert and aware during the ongoing hours of the battle. And overall from both articles, it is suffice to say that the supplement of coffee on the union side was a definite advantage to keeping the soldiers energized rather than the beet stews that the confederate soldiers had.  Yet it is also interesting to see that the union soldiers had made coffee with almost anything considering they used pond water, mud, or even liquids horses wouldn’t even drink to stay alive and awake throughout the war. In my case I cannot live without eating is pineapples, it’s my favorite fruit and it does a lot to keep me enthralled in it’s sweet sometimes sour taste.                          

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