Selfiecity finding that i found most interesting was the average smile score presented in the five cities. Its quite shocking to see that Bangkok rating is 0.68, whereas the lowest city Moscow only had 0.53. Another intriguing fact is that only 5% were considered selfies, the reminder of the pictures were images of peoples friends and pets. The major difference between New York and the rest of the 4 cities is that the people taking selfies are much older.In other countries women of young age are more interested in taking selfies, but New York males post more selfies than women in Bangkok. When looking at the statistics, we see that New York is the median of the 5 cities in the amount of women doing selfies, extreme poses and smiling.
Contact Information
Professor Sandra Cheng
Office: Namm 602B
Office Hours: Tu/Th 9-10 am or
by appointment
Office Tel: 718-260-5003
Email: scheng@citytech.cuny.eduNew York Times Arts
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