Category Archives: Uncategorized

Walker Evans’ Subway Portraits

After looking at Walker Evan’s photographs, I find myself wondering if things had really changed between now and the past. The people of today and then share similar facial expressions. Most of them are not smiling and minding their own … Continue reading

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Photography and Special Effects in Early Film

The film was ver interesting. In reminds me of the earlier photography in some of its aspects. The backgrounds were made with paintings. There were times when the film looks like a dramatic painting brought to life. One thing I … Continue reading

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Photography and Special Effects in Early Film

“George Melies A Trip to the Moon” has many aspects of early photography. The film is black and white, which is similar as early photographs. The film was quite interesting although there was no dialogue to understand the movie. I … Continue reading

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Special Effects in Early Film

A Trip to the Moon by Georges Melies is a film that displays many forms of early photography. The film was in black and white and looked similar to an animated film where drawings are placed in a flip book … Continue reading

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Walker Evans’ Subway Portraits

At most, the facial expressions of subway riders today are highly comparable to 25 years ago. This is something that has not changed. What is admirable about Evans photographs are the fact that they are not staged.  Many photographs today … Continue reading

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Photography and Special Effects in Early Film

In the film there are many aspects of film that recall the practices of early photography. In the beginning of the film the men are posing wearing hats for an amount of time. This is seen in early photography when … Continue reading

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Photography And Special Effects In Early Films

In the film there are aspects that recall practices of early photography. In the beginning the men are posed and have hats (props) as they would if they were taking a photograph. They even have a background. The difference between … Continue reading

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Is Arne Svenson’s Neighbors series an invasion of privacy?

I think Arne Svenson’s Neighbors series shows what normal everyday life is like for New Yorkers. It’s realistic and unedited. He just pointed his camera and took photographs without asking the subject to pose and without adding props. I don’t … Continue reading

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Walker Evans’ Subway Portraits

I think Evan’s approach to photography is interesting. He documented everyday life so nothing was done to embellish the photographs. He took the photographs as he saw them.  They were all realistic photographs. I do see similarities between the riders’ … Continue reading

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Is a Selfie Art?

I believe it is an art in a way. Whenever someone take a selfie, they often have to put things into consideration. For example, when you take a picture of yourself, you have to think about the placement of the … Continue reading

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