Assignment 13


Due 3/19/13

For Assignment 13 you will develop your bathroom and kitchen plans and elevations. These should be at a larger scale than your overall floorplans, so that all of the information is legible.

As part of this, you will need to select all of the fixtures and appliances you will be using in your bathroom and kitchen. This includes things such as toilet, tub, mirrors, sinks, faucets, paper dispensers, refrigerator, oven, etc. Collect your cut sheets of each fixture and appliance as you choose them.

Give each fixture and appliance a code, like you did for your materials, and tag (key) your drawings with these codes.  Your drawings should also be tagged (keyed) with the material codes from your material palette and material list.

Be sure to also include dimensions on your drawings, patterns to indicate tiles, and any lighting located on the walls.

Each project must have an accessible bathroom on the ground floor.  It should accommodate the 60″ wheelchair turn radius, (show this circle on your drawing), have an ADA toilet, an ADA lavatory (wall hung), and accessories.

One or two 11×17’s of your work should be posted to the blog by next Tuesday, 3/19, and bring your work, including cut sheets, to class to discuss.

Link to Files page for reference materials

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