Monthly Archives: January 2013

post 2_ Hamdan Alzandani

Posted in Hamdan Alzandani, Post 2 | Leave a comment

Post2_Cynthia Alonzo

Posted in Cynthia Alonzo, Post 2 | Leave a comment

Post2_William Calderon

Posted in Post 2, William Calderon | Leave a comment

Post 2_Mario Alulema

Posted in Mario Alulema, Post 2 | Leave a comment


Posted in Hamdan Alzandani, Post 1 | Leave a comment

Post1_Cynthia Alonzo

Posted in Cynthia Alonzo, Post 1 | 1 Comment

Post1_Nityah Bhorra

Posted in Nitya Bhorra, Post 1 | Leave a comment


Additional Information: Father’s name: Thomas Mother’s name: Marie Grandfather’s name: Paul Son’s name: Thomas Jr.   Thomas Jr. attends his zoned public school, he is currently in the second grade. Both parents take the train to go to work, from … Continue reading

Posted in Mario Alulema, Post 1 | Leave a comment


Posted in Li-po Lin, Post 1 | Leave a comment


Posted in Andrea Garrido, Post 1 | Leave a comment