Post 1_Erika Tubbs

The Schwartz family live together in a small but very artistic home. Mr.
and Mrs. Schwartz met while studying at the prestigious Julliard School of
music. Although both have very successful musical careers, they are
frequently traveling and are not able to spend as much time at home with
their two‐year‐old daughter as they would like. Mr. Schwartz’s mother, a
former mountain climber and fitness enthusiast, often stays with the
Schwartz family to take care of the smallest ‐ and very rambunctious ‐
family member while the parents are on tour. Mrs. Schwartz was born and
raised in China and has a very distinctive flair for ancient Asian architecture
as well as a collection of Asian art and calligraphy, while Mr. Schwartz has a
taste for a more modern, clean look. Their home is a fusion of antique,
oriental themes set in a light, traditional western‐styled home layout.

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