Grading of Individual Schedules

The grading ranged from B to A.  If no schedule was posted then the current grade will show as an F.  F grades will be changed when the work is submitted but will be downgraded as late as per the course policy.

Grading Criteria included the following:

  • Does your schedule appear on the website as an image?
  • Is your link setup to open in another tab?  (it should)
  • Did your name appear on your schedule?
  • Did your team use a consistent color scheme?
  • Was all time identified?  There should not be large areas of time not accounted for.  Additionally you should include time for commuting, sleep, etc.  If you do not want to write down what you do during some of the time title is “personal time” to maintain your privacy.
  • Did you show enough detail?  Did you include when you study and prepare or do work for your classes.

Mimu created a very nice schedule using her own template – although she did leave her name off of it.  She should consider sharing the format with her team.  Additionally the team needs to use a consistent color palette.

Go to Mimu’s Schedule

Grading of websites

The websites are graded – Teams received either an A or an A- grade – please check blackboard.

The sites were reviewed based on the following:

  • Were the sites completed on time
  • The quality of the graphics (please make sure you select other than the default theme)
  • The use of categories (have they been created and are they used)
  • Removal of sample posts and unused pages.  (please cleanup your team sites)