Class Info

  • Date: Saturday, January 28
  • Time: 1:00pm-5:10pm
  • Meeting Info: Class will meet in Room V814

To-Do Before Class

Join OpenLab Course Site (see this post for help)


Course Introduction, Overview


  • Understand Course Requirements
  • Establish protocols


  • Class Introduction
    • During Class: post comments to Introduction post here
  • Groups and Group Assignments
  • Emphasis on ReadingNote taking and Presenting
    • Purchase Textbook
    • Read Together: selection from Building Elements
    • Presentation Teams and Protocols
      • Lead 20-30 minute discussion
      • All team members to participate
  • Home drawing setup
    • Acquire required drawing materials and set up home drafting station (see supply list here)
  • Module I: Case Study Order and Geometry Diagram

To-Do After Class

  • Read Ching BCI on The Building + Building Elements 2.02-2.04. 
    • Submit scanned + formatted Reading Notes+ Sketches
    • Due Friday February 3, 11pm to dropbox here
  • Module I: Case Study Order and Geometry Diagram
    • Continue development and finish by Class 2.
    • Due Friday February 3, 11pm to dropbox here

  • Pre-Read Assessment
  • Pre-Drawing Assessment

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