Being an architect takes a lot of hard work just like any other job but without the motivation, it can seem pointless at times. Architecture is a time consuming job that requires a huge amount of patience, which is why those pursing this career like myself must be prepared for stress, and many cases of trial and error, however the outcome can be beautiful when you give it all your effort. All the work put into each project will certainly pay off, but what are some ways architects stay on top of their workload? How do architects continue to find inspiration and motivation to keep going with their careers? I became interested in these questions because after having some experience with architecture related work before entering college and even after gaining more experience from my first semester, I realized that just working on one project can become a little chaotic is you are not organized. I am interested in knowing the different ways that help architects stay organized The answer to my question would be completely helpful, not just to myself, but to other people who are looking into this field of work. The answer to this question can give an insight to others and can let them know what they could be getting themselves into, which can help people make a wise decision about what they choose to do. By finding the answer to my question of how  architects stay motivated, I can use these answers as some quick tips and trick methods. With these answers, I can go back and look at some pieces of advice from others when I need a refresher to why I chose this career.

Ariana Zilliacus. “13 Changes to Your Work Space That Could Improve Your Productivity (And Your Life)”. 21 Jun 2019. ArchDaily.

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While reading “13 Changes to Your Work Space That Could Improve Your Productivity (And Your Life)”, I’ve realized that even small changes could help with focus and help become more efficient while working. The author states that making certain changes in your workspace can help gain a better focus, which help with saving time, increase/improve work productivity, and improve the quality of the work overall. The author explains that changes such as having a chair that works for your body shape, learning ways that can help reduce eyestrain, having the right type of lighting in your workspace and more helpful tips can help an architect with their overall workload.

Based on what I have read, I agree with the tips that the author provides in order to help improve the quality of the work given.  When I began reading about having a comfortable keyboard, I was starting to get confused with what the author is talking about. Usually one just adapts to their surroundings even with some changes that can help them feel comfortable, but I don’t see how can a different type of keyboard can make a difference in the increase or the lack of productivity. I do agree with the suggestion of having a light snack near you and having a chair that is comfortable for your body shape because it seems that these two suggestions can help a person to move less or to fidget less in their seat. One suggestion I highly agree with is the amount of warm lighting used in the workspace and that warm lighting is less harsh on the eyes. The suggestion about working in warm lighting is one that I truly try to work in, but it can be difficult at times when I need a bit more lighting, Seeing how I only have a table lamp to work with warm lighting, it can be difficult to work the way I would enjoy to, but I do think that any bit of warm lighting helps a person when they are working.

I found this article very helpful and found it useful as well. I understand that these tips can help me increase my work productivity as long as I take them into account on a daily basis in order for me to pick up these habits and make it part as a daily routine. This article was extremely helpful because this is a helpful answer to my question about how architects stay on top off their workload and keep track of what they are doing.

“Why the Buildings of the Future will be Shaped by … you | Marc Kushner | TEDx Talks , March. 2014, (

Throughout the video, Marc Kushner is talking about 30 years of architecture, how architects have gone back and forth with using new styles and traditional styles. The main point that Marc Kushner was trying to convey was that architects should be willing to push the boundaries when it comes to using different styles in their work. Instead of going “back in time”, architects should be looking at the possibilities that can be taken with new ideas.

I believe that this Ted Talk is a good way to stay motivated and inspired because Marc Kushner is stating that those who are looking to go into architecture should keep one thing in mind. Marc Kushner is basically telling others to remember to stay openminded when working because when you stay open minded, new ideas and opportunities can be very helpful in the end. I completely agree with what Marc Kushner was talking about when he talks about pushing the limits. During this Ted Talk he states “Architects can hear you and you’re not intimidated by architecture. That means that that pendulum swinging back and forth from style to style, from movement to movement is irrelevant. We can actually move forward and find relevant solutions to the problems that our society faces.”, and what Marc Kushner means by this is that architects do not have to stick to whatever standards that once existed or that were considered “formal.” Marc Kushner means to say that ideas that architects have should be explored and experimented with, not kept inside as if the ideas has already failed when the architect hasn’t had a chance to use it. With this quote and my interpretation of it, I do see it as a way to remember to stay motivated and to take risks with my work because it can pay off even when I go through trial and error cases.

Throughout this Ted Talk, I completely understood what Marc Kushner was trying to say, and I understood his point of view. I was able to sense the seriousness of his tone while also sounded light hearted. The examples he uses with buildings from different parts of the country combined with his own experience as an architect really helped understand what he meant throughout his whole talk. This talk makes sense for its intended audience who are looking for some type of motivation and inspiration, but only if they are willing to listen and put in the work necessary.

Jill Duffy. “Get organized: 5 Tips to help you stay on top of your career.” September 2, 2013 (

This reading gives tips on how to stay organized with your workload. Tips that the author finds helpful are “saving the praise”, keeping track of your work, managing relationships, figuring out the right salary and to review the reviews you get. When she describes each of these tips, she uses her own experiences in order to show that these tips do work. For example, when talking about “save the praise”, she means that you should keep a folder aside full of positive comments and feedback, so you can have that positivity as a way to stay motivated and as a way to remind yourself what can be accomplished.

While I was reading, I was able to connect with each tip because I have already tried those tips on my own, but her explanations are a good way to keep it short and straight to the point. Two tips that stuck out to me were “save the praise” and “review you review”. When reading about “save the praise” and realizing that holding onto past positive comments can be beneficial and inspiring. After reading about “review your review”, it made sense to pick up the habit that a person should look back at any reviews they get in order to make changes to their work so they can better their skills quicker. These tips stuck out to me the most because these tips can help people organize their thoughts and help with the organization of their workload.

After reading about these tips it became clear that there are a few simple steps that people can follow to stay organized. I also realize that people like myself can tend to overthink their organization process. I believe that there are times when feeling stress will increase the difficulty of staying organized and/or focused. I find this being a problem for myself as well because with stress just increasing the focus of my task can be a little shaky. Although I have tried to follow a few of these tips before, I managed to over think about the process of going through with these tips. I know I have to keep practicing these tips and by reading about the main points I believe I can gain better organization skills.

“10 Ways Artists Can Get Motivated and Stay Motivated” Format Team, December 19,2018 (

 This magazine article talks about ten ways that can be helpful to people who are looking to stay motivated when they are having trouble finding their motivation again. Staying motivated is a very important skill to have in any creative profession because it will improve work quality and produce a consistent work flow, which helps with creating new work. The tips talked about in this magazine article are tips such as seek input from others, share your creative process, acknowledge how much you have accomplished, etc. These 10 tips can help anyone who feels stuck or blocked.

While I was reading these tips I realized that this magazine article makes valid points that people tend to forget about or feel stubborn about. A tip that is talked about here that I find important is seeking input from others. There are people who might feel discouraged when they hear the input from others but those who feel as if another’s input is negative should look at it as a positive. Having the input from others is something that should be looked at as a positive because the input from others will help with improving the work quality. Another tip from this source that I became interested in was to incorporate inspirational wall decor in your space. I became interested in this tip because I agree that having inspirational dĂ©cor staring right at you can always be a reminder to continue working and pushing through any hard times.

After reading this magazine article, I have come to the conclusion that this article highlights on the facts that prioritization and organization can help with increased motivation. Tips such as challenging yourself and acknowledging what have you already accomplished is a way of remembering to prioritize what needs to be done.

Throughout my research, I realized that three out of four of sources are sources that contain a list of tips on how to stay organized and motivated. Overall, the research I did was very helpful and interesting. One common theme I picked up on was finding a way to feel comfortable. This theme was not one that was stated directly, but the more I read the more I gained a sense that by making these resources connect , a person needs to feel comfortable with their workload and inspiration.  In all four of my sources, the idea of feeling comfortable is talking about feeling comfortable with experimenting and making small changes that can help someone later on. Spaces for reflection shows how architects focus on their work depending on their environment. People work in their own ways and are comfortable with their environment of choice. Inspiration can come from the work environment, and from the advice of peers. The daily life of an architect is very time consuming, which is why architects need to make sure they create a schedule that follows through with their workload. People who need to read about this are people who are looking into going into a career in architecture or people who are looking for ways to stay organized, motivated and inspired because it can be a big help with easing the minds of those who feel stressed or overwhelmed.