Prof. Duddy ARCH1101.OLC5 | Prof. Rosen ENG1101.LC07

ENG 1101 Week 8 Agenda

Class Info

  • Date: 10/15-10/21
  • Meeting Info: Wednesday follows a Monday schedule; this is a shorter week for us.
  • This week, I as usual hold optional meetings. These use the same Zoom link I shared via email–please let me know if you need me to resend.
    • Office Hours: Monday 10/19 10:20-11:20 and Tuesday 10/20 1:30-2:30 .
    • Optional writing lab session: Thursday, 10/22, 10:20am-11:20am.

To-Do Before Class

We’re continuing to prepare for Project #2, which is a research project about spaces for reflection. The Week 6 agenda and Week 7 agenda can help you catch up.


Project #2: reflection and research


  • To explore further the questions about reflection and the space around us
  • To continue discussion how we research a topic

To-Do This Week


  • If you haven’t found a place for reflection and posted about it, please do! This can be a place close to you or that you walk/travel to.
  • If you haven’t submitted Project #1, please reach out to me–I can help. We can have a 1-on-1 Zoom meeting to get you on track.
  • Please consider coming to office hours or writing with me in our writing lab if you want to check in with me about anything.


  • Read more about research! Skim Emily A. Wierszewski’s “Research Starts with A Thesis Statement” in Bad Ideas About Writing, pp 231-235 (that’s the page numbers within the book–the page numbers in the actual file are a little different). Note that the title of the book, Bad Ideas About Writing, tells us that the chapter titles are themselves bad ideas about writing! But the content includes great ideas about writing!
  • Read what your classmates and I have written in Project #2 posts and in our most recent discussions.


  • Keep freewriting! 10 minutes. 10 minutes again. Write about what’s on your mind, or focus on the topic of spaces for reflection, or urban diary writing. Or something in your coursework, in the news, in your life, in your alternate reality. Write.
  • If you have not already, join our discussion about our place-based readings.
  • Comment on at least one classmate’s post about a place for reflection.
  • Finally, our discussion for the week. The reading about research, “Research Starts with A Thesis Statement,” builds on what we just read last week, showing us that inquiry-based research helps us see a larger field of information than if we go into research already knowing what we want to argue. Using last week’s questions (what aspects about spaces for reflection do we want to learn more about? As an architecture student, what are ways that reflection is an important consideration in built spaces? What are some places you would consult for your research?), let’s add on to that to ask what do you find when you start to research reflection, and what terms do you add to narrow your search? Add a comment that includes:
    • a resource you found
    • a link to it
    • what genre the resource is–what kind of text is it?
    • what it tells you about places for reflection
    • what you think of the source
    • what question or questions you have after reading, and what question or questions it makes you want to find the answer to.
  • Comment on at least one classmate’s comment, asking follow-up questions or making observations about what they found.

1 Comment

  1. Luka Vardoshvili

    hello professor, can you please send me the office hours Zoom link ( ) Thank you!

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