I’ve seen many of your drafts for ENG 1101’s Project #1, and I’ve enjoyed reading them. I haven’t finished giving feedback on your work, and I’ve noticed that not everyone has posted a draft (and by draft I mean your answers to 3-5 questions from the Project #1 assignment instructions, or anything that you developed after that), and therefore not all peers have been able to provide reviews.

Here’s what we’re going to do:

FIRST, I’m delaying the due date for Project #1 until Monday, 10/5. And

SECOND, I’m adding one-on-one conferences so that I can meet with each of you for 15 minutes to talk about your draft. Use the form below to choose your conference date and time. Here’s how this form works: only one choice per student, and only one student per choice. If someone has already chosen a time slot, it won’t disappear from the list (unfortunately), but instead you’ll get this message in red: “There was a problem with your submission. Errors have been highlighted below.” Choose a different option and see if that’s available. If you can’t find a time that works, please let me know, the sooner the better.

OTHER REMINDERS for meeting throughout the semester:

OFFICE HOURS: I have office hours every week on Mondays, 10:20-11:20am and Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30. You should have received an email from me with the Zoom link. If you have not, please check again (spam folder, too), and let me know if you need me to resend it.

WRITING LABS: These are optional sessions for us to meet and write. You can ask questions as you work. You can come for the whole time or drop by with whatever time you have. My plan is to hold these on Thursdays, 10:20-11:20, but I can see about varying the time if there’s interest.

Don’t forget to sign up for (and come to) your conference! When we meet, we can share screens and review what you’ve written, or we can talk through ideas. Be prepared with as much of your draft as possible to make the most out of our time together. Feel free to ask questions in a reply to this post, in our Q&A area, or by email.

Project #1 conferences

Sign up for a 1-on-1 conference with Prof. Rosen to discuss your Project #1.

  • Choose one conference date and time. Be sure to add this appointment to your calendar!