Between today (9/20) and next Wednesday (9/27), all you have to work on is your Unit 1 Essay. This period of time is a great opportunity for you to seek out assistance!

If you need help on your essay, consider doing the following:

  1. Schedule an appointment with a writing tutor at the City Tech Writing Center. A tutor will work together with you to review your essay and offer you feedback. See HERE for more information.
  2. See me during office hours! I am in my office (N503) every Monday and Wednesday between 12:00 PM and 1:30 PM. We can read your essay together and I can offer you feedback. Let me know if you plan to stop by my office.
  3. Can’t make office hours? Schedule an appointment on Zoom with me! We can chat about your essay just as we would in person. Send me an email to set up a time.
  4. If a Zoom appointment is not feasible for you, we can also discuss your essay over email. My email address is available to you on the syllabus.

Remember, I am here to support you. However, it is UP TO YOU to seek out the support you need.