Taught by Jacob Aplaca

First Post of Fall 2023!

Start with one word that describes how you’re feeling about this course and college in general as we get started. No need to explain, but you can if you want to. Then…

  • Talk about your study skills. What works for you and what doesn’t? What do you need to learn how to do better?
  • Talk about your worries, concerns, reactions to the readings and/or to being a college student… whatever you want to. No censoring–except keep it kind of clean, please.
  • Finally, add a picture that means something to you, and explain why you chose it — why does it mean something to you?

In total, aim to write at least 500 words.

Check back in and comment on your peers’ work! (At least 2! Prioritize those students who do not have many or any comments on their posts when you look.)

In addition to completing this post, do not forget to do the following:

  • PLAY: with the website. Click around on all the tabs. See what’s there! We’ll be doing a great deal of work here this semester, so make yourself familiar with the site.
  • READ/ WATCH: “Study Skills” (click the image with the lamp)
  • READ: The syllabus! And sign the last page.



  1. Sonkerry

    stressful. When I am needed to study what works best for me is teaching or reviewing the material that is going to be on the quiz or assignment the day or 3 days before. I have a great memory of things and don’t need to study often or it will make me forget. The thing that I need to learn to do better is ask for help. I will not ask for help and would rather deal with the problem on my own. College to me is just school but done at your own time with a whole lot more effort. In college you need to try and manage your time wisely because you have many classes giving you assignment which can be complicated. Life is about to get a whole lot harder and college just adds on to that hardship and stress. College is about experiences and connections. To be in college is to network, to leave with someone or something that can help make your life as an adult easier.


    I chose this picture because it is a movie series that I used to watch as a child. This movie series would get me through tough times and even comfort me. You can save this movie was my “birds” and like Mr.shtredder gave me the will to live.

    • GeorgeR

      I have only watched the first four harry potter movies, but my favorite is the first one. I wish I could had a memory as good as yours, because unlike you I need to study it often so I do not forgot the material.

  2. sonkerry

    stressful. When I am told to study the skills that work best for me are studying a few days prior to the exam or quiz. I have never been able to study days on end and remember the material that I learn. I have remembered most of my materials due to preparing 3 or 4 days prior. What I need to learn to do better is ask for help. I am terrible at asking for help because I believe that I can do everything on my own. I have never asked for help when studying or studied much to begin with. My worries for college is the amount of work in such little time we have to complete it. You get classes that are put in a week and each class has an assignment that is tedious. I think college is more about connections and networking. To leave college with a connection that can make living your adult life easier or more accessible.


    I chose this image because it is a movie series that I used to binge a lot when I was younger. It gave me comfort and a sort of peace. You can say like Mr.Stredder it gave me a will to live. I would connect to these characters and would even wish to be in a place like Hogwarts. As a child this movie series would fill my imagination and keep me engage and away from the horrors of the real world.

    • Brianna Brown

      I definitely agree with having to ask for help more. I tend to not ask questions and remain confused but sometimes asking for help can be beneficial to yourself and you could learn new things.

  3. Jaelen brown

    Nervous. I’m excited to learn and experience college life but at the time I am scared that I don’t have what it takes to be a successful college student. What works best for me when it comes to study is having study partners. I was worried I’ll become overwhelmed and that feeling is still there but being in classes and seeing the schedules made me realize it’s not that hard if I keep track of everything.


    this is an image of money. Not really too much meaning I just plan to make a lot of it one day.

    • Pablo Flores

      I agree with you Jaelen, I often get nervous about school especially when it comes to big tests or anything of that nature but I always have to remind myself that I can always practice to be better.

    • Taghmar Thorpe

      the image jaelen used could really connect to all of us and how we all plan on making money one day no matter what that’s really the goal everyones trying to get to.

  4. Brianna Brown

    The word I chose is procrastination. No that’s not how I’m feeling about this course or college, but you’ll learn as to why a little bit later. When it comes to my study skills, I better focus at night with no distraction at all. I much rather study something on physical paper than read something online, but that’s just because I like to really annotate with highlighters and pens and mark up the paper for a better understanding. What also works for me is chewing a piece of gum while studying because it helps you retain and remember information, blueberries as well. I don’t study well on an empty stomach, I’ll just be thinking about food the whole time. Also, what doesn’t work for me is trying to study in a group, especially with my friends. We end up learning NOTHING, so I’m better off independently. I need to learn how to stop procrastinating my studies and assignments but I just work better under pressure. Some of my best work in highschool was built off of procrastination. But I chose it as my word because I’m trying to come into college with a different perspective/approach, hence why this assignment is turned in a day early. Needless to say procrastination is definitely a concern for me as a college student but for this course a concern would be me not understanding a reading or interpreting it in the wrong way. I don’t expect the readings to be fun all the time but when they are not I still want to be able to find the main idea or theme and unpack all that the reading has to offer.


    As lots do not know, I graduated from Clara Barton High School as a Certified Nursing Assistant this past June. This was one of my biggest accomplishments. It was a two year program, and this required lots of studying, dedication, and exams. Waking up at 5 AM for clinicals, and balancing my regular high school life, while working a job was almost draining. But they always said if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain and I sure damn did. What was crazy is that after the night of prom which ended about 1 AM, I had to wake up at 7 AM to take my state certification exam. On the written part, I got only 3 questions wrong out of 60. And for the skills exam, I executed all three skills, including hand washing perfectly. I don’t even think I have to explain why this picture means something to me, but it means so much more than I can explain because it’s just one of the many accomplishments I have to accomplish in life, and I did this all within my highschool years. I couldn’t be any more proud of myself for pulling through and I chose this picture because next year I intend to apply for the Nursing program here at City Tech so I could graduate as a Registered Nurse at my next graduation!

  5. Brianna Brown

    The word I chose is procrastination. No that’s not how I’m feeling about this course or college, but you’ll learn as to why a little bit later. When it comes to my study skills, I better focus at night with no distraction at all. I much rather study something on physical paper than read something online, but that’s just because I like to really annotate with highlighters and pens and mark up the paper for a better understanding. What also works for me is chewing a piece of gum while studying because it helps you retain and remember information, blueberries as well. I don’t study well on an empty stomach, I’ll just be thinking about food the whole time. Also, what doesn’t work for me is trying to study in a group, especially with my friends. We end up learning NOTHING, so I’m better off independently. I need to learn how to stop procrastinating my studies and assignments but I just work better under pressure. Some of my best work in highschool was built off of procrastination. But I chose it as my word because I’m trying to come into college with a different perspective/approach, hence why this assignment is turned in a day early. Needless to say procrastination is definitely a concern for me as a college student but for this course a concern would be me not understanding a reading or interpreting it in the wrong way. I don’t expect the readings to be fun all the time but when they are not I still want to be able to find the main idea or theme and unpack all that the reading has to offer.


    As lots do not know, I graduated from Clara Barton High School as a Certified Nursing Assistant this past June. This was one of my biggest accomplishments. It was a two year program, and this required lots of studying, dedication, and exams. Waking up at 5 AM for clinicals, and balancing my regular high school life, while working a job was almost draining. But they always said if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain and I sure damn did. What was crazy is that after the night of prom which ended about 1 AM, I had to wake up at 7 AM to take my state certification exam. On the written part, I got only 3 questions wrong out of 60. And for the skills exam, I executed all three skills, including hand washing perfectly. I don’t even think I have to explain why this picture means something to me, but it means so much more than I can explain because it’s just one of the many accomplishments I have to accomplish in life, and I did this all within my highschool years. I couldn’t be any more proud of myself for pulling through and I chose this picture because next year I intend to apply for the Nursing program here at City Tech so I could graduate as a Registered Nurse at my next graduation!

    • Brianna Brown


      Just copy and paste this link on your browser to see the photo.

      • Pablo Flores

        You have opened up my mind with new ways to study better because I never knew that gum or blueberries was a way to help remember information better.

    • GeorgeR

      Sounds like being a nursing assistant is a lot of work, but it seems to be worth pay off at the end. I agree that studying without distractions is necessary for staying focused because any little distraction drives procrastination especially with friends.

  6. AbdouM

    I feel anxious because when comes to school assignments I tend to wait last minute to get it done. Also, this is my second day of classes and I’m already tired and get sleepy in class, so in order to overcome these situations I have to prepare myself by adjusting my sleep schedule and completing my assignments as soon as possible when I’m available. After doing some of my classes I do feel the need to have some tutor sessions and study more on my free time. Plus, the only thing I say I’m excited for is the internships, I really want to learn from some other careers that pique my interest and one that is closely related to my major.

    Image result for camaro zl1

    In the future when I’m successful I want to purchase a Camaro and be able to modify it in my vision and race my friends with their cars.

    • Adriano Franca

      I can definitely connect to some things you say! I’ve also felt anxious multiple times, but hopefully we’ll get through it. Also loved that Camaro you put up there, I also have a passion for cars.

    • howard chan

      Becoming successful in life and buying my dream car is definitely a goal I want to accomplish as well.

  7. GeorgeR

    Adventurous, that is how I feel because of the new opportunities and experiences I have been given in college. During my past schooling starting from elementary and onwards I found out that I best focus on studying when there are no distractions, but not to the point where it is completely silent. I do need some background music or at least some calming sounds like nature sounds such as the light rain or animal sounds. I really want to learn how to write better, especially in the story telling genre. Where I have trouble with writing is my punctuation, vocabulary and some grammar. I also struggle to find the right words and find it hard to articulate in the best way I can to say what I am trying to convey. But I do hope to learn to tell stories, articulate my thoughts, and overall write better in other types of writing by the end of the course.  

    I try not to worry too much about the courses I have or being a college student because I have done it before to an extent in high school. Yes, it will be overwhelming and tedious sometimes but that is part of it, we just have to try to be flexible and adapt. What I like to do is break things down into small goals/tasks that need to be done, this step-by-step method keeps me motivated and focused by removing the stress and the seemingly endless tasks. I also try to keep in mind that not all of my focus should be in school to the point where it takes over my life, because like any other part of the body the brain needs to take breaks and do some other stuff that we enjoy to do. I try to do this by doing things that I enjoy such as playing sports with my friends and going out to places and trying new things. These activities are essential to my way of thinking because I need to reset and refresh my mind and by the time, I come back to do some work I will have gathered some creativity and even overcome some mental block.  


    This picture is my favorite picture of all time. It is Ali Vs Sonny Liston 1965, It is one of the most iconic photos of all time, it was originally in black and white, but the added colors really bring the picture together by showing the era and the emotion set by the crowds and the boxers reactions to what just happened. I chose this picture because I like to watch athletes perform in their sport because I find it impressive and interesting in what human beings are able to achieve and the emotions, they bring out to the audience watching the event even if they are on the other side of the screen. My favorite things to watch are big competitions such as the world cup and the Olympics because of how it shows peak performance and the highest level.

    • Abdullaah Abuzaid

      I like really how George’s words are motivating and show that he is ready for this new life with those new challenges as classes, college, and all of that.

    • Nathan

      Ali really the goat

  8. Jesus

    Stressful I suck at writing and can barely come up with something to write. When I study I make sure to play some music and then I start reviewing the stuff I know I am having the most trouble with, I give myself three 3hours to study, and if I am really having problems with something I will just schedule an appointment with the teacher or I will just join a study session. I feel like my study session Is effective so I wouldn’t change anything. I feel like college is just high school all over again just that homework is harder plus you have more responsibilities and the classes are almost 2 hours or more which is hard to deal with.

    ” alt=”Acoustic Vs Classical Guitar: What’s The Difference?”>

    This image means something to me since one of my goals is to learn how to play the guitar and hopefully some other instruments I want to learn how to play all the instruments.

    • Adriano Franca

      Loved the image you chose! We have one passion in common. I love guitars and am a guitar player. Maybe we could even start a guitar club together at one point? Looking forward to meeting you 🙂

  9. Abdullaah Abuzaid


    Hi my name is Abdullah, It’s my first time in college so it is a new experience that got me panicking for a while until some people were talking and saying college is not that bad it’s just that you need to put more effort and forget about high school life because it’s different than college, college needs work hard work, time, and effort which for me is difficult since I never put time into studying but I am just working on it to get ready by the time I am under pressure, I need to learn how to study now and practice to put more time in college.

    Back when I was in high school it was different than what I am seeing right now I used to be working 5 days and didn’t care about classes or assignments, I attended classes only for attendance and grade and I made sure that I passed my classes and on my way to graduate and finally graduated, now when I started college I am working only one day and have been in the mood to put all the effort to finish the 4 years, take my degree and then the hell out of this college life. By the end, I am here to achieve my dream, make my parents proud, and get whatever job makes me proud and feel like it was worth it to spend 4 years of my life studying and get a respectful degree and have it on my wall to look at it always.

    So I chose this picture because literally, it describes my situation right now with having physics, psychology, and math too, and all of that in one semester, and I have to study a lot because it’s a new material and classes for me and even on a college level too. The hours needed to study those classes and the effort to put in were just crazy insane just on another level that I just discovered and making me go crazy.

    Right now I am trying to get used to the fact that I am in college now and it’s just a new life that I have to adapt myself into this life, tomorrow I have a long day in college and have to pay attention for a full 6 hour. Not thinking too much about it but still, my schedule makes me feel so bad like I am under pressure but hopefully, everything goes well this semester.

    • Brianna Brown

      I could understand why you would be panicking, I feel like college can be overwhelming especially with all the classes. But with good time management and effort, you’ll be able to adapt and understand the material. Good luck!

  10. Pablo Flores

    I am feeling okay about this course and college. My study skills aren’t that great because I have never taken the time to ever study and the reason being is because I would need to have a relaxed mind set with no noises around me and unfortunately that is not the case in my household because every single second someone needs me to do something which makes me really anxious. It can get often obnoxious whenever I dont ever get to relax even if it’s about school. I can never have peace of mind which is why I don’t ever bother to study, and of course I can always go somewhere else to study, especially somewhere quiet but I prefer somewhere where I feel comfortable to be myself and roam around to really get in my zone. In order for me to learn how to do better is to really sharpen my mind and to adapt to my environment and by this I mean, no matter how loud it is I need to to make sure my mind is focused on my work and what I’m doing rather than focusing on what’s happening outside which can really help me because if I am focused on just one important thing then I will be able to get a lot done and if I am able to adapt to whichever environment Im in then I won’t have a problem with being anxious or any negative feelings. On the other hand, I can get anxious about a lot of things such as school and some of my classes but what really makes me worry is having to complete midterms and big tests because I always doubt myself into thinking that I will fail either one of them. I was never good at taking any test and would often get low scores which would always get into my head into thinking that I can’t do anything right and with those thoughts compiling in mind I always reminded myself how bad of a test taker I was and that I wont ever pass this test because of how all the other times I performed badly. However, that all took place back then when I would always look at the negative and would never tell myself that even though I have a couple of tests that I didn’t do well on I would look at the times where I got a very good score and would mention them to myself. Either way, I still get anxious no matter how important the test is but what really mattered to me was changing my perspective in looking at the good that I have done which would then motivate me to do an excellent job. Below this I have a picture of my bible which I have started to read and the reason why this beautiful book is important to me is because I want to grow my relationship with God and get to know him more while also getting close to him especially during these time where I see so many ungodly images and performances.

    • fatumata

      l like how you are trying to grow your relationship with God.

  11. Adriano Franca

    Concern. Many words can describe how I am feeling right now as I enter a new stage in life. I come from a family where parents unfortunately did not have the opportunity to go to college and being the first one to attend education after high school makes me feel concerned and scared as I did not have anyone to comfort or prepare me for college life. It took me some time to apply to college as it always seemed something so far from my reality, I needed time to think and encourage myself to keep facing challenges even when not having someone to back you up. Throughout high school, I have always found 1-on-1 tutoring helpful as I felt more comfortable asking anything I wanted without the pressure of a whole classroom on my back. I have also always liked to do studies and research on my own to better comprehend what is being taught in class. 

    One thing I need to improve on is procrastinating, I am very used to getting things done at the last minute (matter of fact I am doing that right now LOL) and I know that if I do not change, it will affect my performance in college. 

    Something I am very worried about in college is that I will not be enough to understand the content being taught, or that I will get caught up with work and end up with plenty of things to do at the end of the semester. To prevent that from happening, I will make sure I show up during office hours to get any obstacles out of my way.

    ELA Image.docx

    Link for image attached above^

    Lastly, I chose this image because it represents two of my biggest passions: Instruments and motorcycles. I got into motorcycles incredibly early in life due to my father’s influence. I was 1 year old when my dad took me for a spin around the block on his motorcycle for the first time. By the age of 5 I already had my own mini motorcycle. Motorcycles have always been in my life, and the first big motorcycle I rode I was 16 years old; it was a Suzuki GSX S750z (I do not expect anyone to know it, feel free to look it up if you are interested :D). Then at 17 I rode a Kawasaki ZH2, known by many as one of the fastest engines in the world, 1000cc supercharged (was so scared the first time I got on it). Finally, at 17, I was able to get my own motorcycle, a red Kawasaki Z900. Some may argue that my dad is crazy for getting me into this hobby (mom does not like it that much, totally understandable though), but I have always been very well instructed on how to safely operate a motorcycle, I am for the idea that every hobby should be understood and respected. To this day, though it may seem silly for some people, my dad and I are not only best friends, but also motorcyclists that ride together in matching bikes. The guitar in the image represents my love for instruments in general. I am a person extremely into instruments, the ones I play the most are the guitar, the bass, ukulele and Cajon. As well as motorcycles, my music taste was also passed on from parents. My favorite song to play on the guitar is Snow Hey Oh by the RHCP, coincidently, my favorite band. However, I listen to every genre of music and am not limited to rock (especially Brazilian music as I am Brazilian). 


  12. Adriano Franca

    Concern. Many words can describe how I am feeling right now as I enter a new stage in life. I come from a family where parents unfortunately did not have the opportunity to go to college and being the first one to attend education after high school makes me feel concerned and scared as I did not have anyone to comfort or prepare me for college life. It took me some time to apply to college as it always seemed something so far from my reality, I needed time to think and encourage myself to keep facing challenges even when not having someone to back you up. Throughout high school, I have always found 1-on-1 tutoring helpful as I felt more comfortable asking anything I wanted without the pressure of a whole classroom on my back. I have also always liked to do studies and research on my own to better comprehend what is being taught in class. 

    One thing I need to improve on is procrastinating, I am very used to getting things done at the last minute (matter of fact I am doing that right now LOL) and I know that if I do not change, it will affect my performance in college. 

    Something I am very worried about in college is that I will not be enough to understand the content being taught, or that I will get caught up with work and end up with plenty of things to do at the end of the semester. To prevent that from happening, I will make sure I show up during office hours to get any obstacles out of my way.

    ELA Image.docx

    Link for image attached above^

    Lastly, I chose this image because it represents two of my biggest passions: Instruments and motorcycles. I got into motorcycles incredibly early in life due to my father’s influence. I was 1 year old when my dad took me for a spin around the block on his motorcycle for the first time. By the age of 5 I already had my own mini motorcycle. Motorcycles have always been in my life, and the first big motorcycle I rode I was 16 years old; it was a Suzuki GSX S750z (I do not expect anyone to know it, feel free to look it up if you are interested :D). Then at 17 I rode a Kawasaki ZH2, known by many as one of the fastest engines in the world, 1000cc supercharged (was so scared the first time I got on it). Finally, at 17, I was able to get my own motorcycle, a red Kawasaki Z900. Some may argue that my dad is crazy for getting me into this hobby (mom does not like it that much, totally understandable though), but I have always been very well instructed on how to safely operate a motorcycle, I am for the idea that every hobby should be understood and respected. To this day, though it may seem silly for some people, my dad and I are not only best friends, but also motorcyclists that ride together in matching bikes. The guitar in the image represents my love for instruments in general. I am a person extremely into instruments, the ones I play the most are the guitar, the bass, ukulele and Cajon. As well as motorcycles, my music taste was also passed on from parents. My favorite song to play on the guitar is Snow Hey Oh by the RHCP, coincidently, my favorite band. However, I listen to every genre of music and am not limited to rock (especially Brazilian music as I am Brazilian). 


    • Christian Tepepa

      Same, I struggle with procrastination and being lazy in general but I’ve been working on that, as well as worry about being able to handle all the work and stress college will throw at me. I feel like we can overcome these things by working hard to keep it cool and actually putting in the effort that we need to put in.

  13. Taylon Charles

    Eye opening. Coming into college I expected a different experience from High School so I knew it would be overwhelming the first day. I can say it’s very different from High School since you walk into the building, I think college makes you very independent because everything is your choice and responsibility. For example, if you don’t show up to class or come late you not getting your parents called, it’s your decision if you want to come or not because you’re paying for it. The class/homework is manageable because everything is on one app where you can organize everything, this works best for me because I’m a visual learner so me seeing everything from the computer is way easier for me to understand then listening to a lecture. I need to improve on my communicating skills because I feel like me trying to become a real estate agent and having good communication skills it will take me far and open up more opportunities with networking. My only concern about being a college student is the work becoming overwhelming to the point where I have to do catch up on the lesson’s because I know college work is not easy so if I play around and forget or procrastinate on couple assignments it can turn from two missing assignments to more. I can’t think of any other concerns because I don’t feel like college is something you need to overthink about; I feel like at this point of life you get to decide on what you want to do and be so there’s no need to stress about college.


    This picture I chose was money in all blues, I like this picture and decided to choose this because all I want in life is money and to travel. My end goal is to be rich and travel across the world exploring new things, I believe everything revolves around money because without it you’re very limited to what you can and can’t do. It’s very expensive to live in New York and to do the stuff I like to do such as shop and buy food, so I feel like I need to get this money. Also, the money is all blues $100 bill because that’s my favorite bill.

  14. messiahf4

     How am I feeling about college: I am perplexed honestly. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve had to dedicate myself to something important and know I cannot fail or mess up at any turn. I think about the people along my journey that have invested in me all the time and I often think about the future I wish to carve out for myself. 2 years ago, I had no idea of what I wished to do in the future and no thought of even going to college. These last 2 years that have led me to City Tech and the road ahead have significantly furthered my character and the way I perceive the world. Now, I am determined to make something of myself and make the people that have propelled me this far proud. But that viewpoint has quickly been diluted. 

     College has been completely different from what I imagined. I envisioned it as the pinnacle of the pursuit of education and a place where adversity is tested. But through these past few days as a new freshman, it all seems quite simpler. It has now become a utopia of some sort. It is almost too good to be true honestly. Regular people, Regular class, Regular policies, Regular expectations. The only outlier here is the extent of our dreams and how far we wish to go as individuals. I was very nervous at first, but now I feel optimistic about how my time here will go and change me for the better. 


    Me as a student is a little confusing. According to the people I’ve been around, I have the makings of a great scholar and am borderline genius. But honestly, my body work and commitment can get tedious. I can get easily distracted or discouraged at times during sessions which affects my work. But when I am focused my work, more specifically my writing for this class, will be nothing short of excellent. What works for me is having a great understanding of what I am reading and writing about; I would describe myself as a good analytic. My writing can be diverse depending on the topic and the expectations of the work as well. What I need to work on is mostly my time management. Like I said, I can be distracted easily whether it’s in class or mentally. I often find myself looking at work that I’ve let pile up and it definitely gets overwhelming. I have managed to get the job done up until this point, but I don’t exactly know what to expect now so I have to be more on point and more assertive when it comes to getting in what needs to be completed. 

     When it comes to this class, I expect myself to be no short of successful and very productive. I am confident in the work I will submit. I look forward to improving my writing in any way I can and developing myself further. 

    • Christian Tepepa

      Nice to see someone else who likes Jujutsu Kaisen. I also felt the same, people around me always made college out to be this stressful and tough environment but it seems a lot lighter than that. Maybe it’s just the environment city tech has built for the freshmen to slowly integrate into their new college life.

      • Nathan

        I agree everyone makes it look 10x harder than it seems it might be because we just started and didn’t really get into certain yet but who knows.

  15. Christian Tepepa

    Frustrated, I feel frustrated with myself because i wasn’t on top of the work I was supposed to do before classes started and now I’m stuck dealing with it all a little too late. I need to get into contact with the advisor that helped me build my schedule to get into a class that I need for my major. I’m still figuring out how to use sign into my email, blackboard and trying to find out if theres any sites I still need to use for my classes. https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/xjtsct/my_favorite_cat_celebrity_this_is_uni_a_cat_that/?rdt=59373

    I used this image because I like cats, I have two chubby cats. One is grey like a blue russian and the other is orange and white. I also like funny images and videos of cats.

    • Abdullaah Abuzaid

      I can connect to Christian because his feeling frustrated reminds me of myself panicking and I feel that I would struggle with the same issue so I am trying to stay on top of my classes.

  16. Christian Tepepa

    Frustrated, I feel frustrated with myself because I wasn’t on top of the work I was supposed to do before classes started and now I’m stuck dealing with it all a little too late. I need to get in contact with the advisor who helped me build my schedule to get into a class that I need for my major. I’m still figuring out how to sign into my email and Blackboard and trying to find out if there are any sites I still need to use for my classes. https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/xjtsct/my_favorite_cat_celebrity_this_is_uni_a_cat_that/?rdt=59373

    I used this image because I like cats, I have two chubby cats. One is grey like a blue Russian and the other is orange and white. I also like funny images and videos of cats.

  17. Taghmar Thorpe

    Anxious, I feel anxious mostly about college but a little about this course because English was never my strongest subject to begin with. But also about college because my schedule is really all over the place even though I have 1 class a day its all throughout the week including Saturday which leaves almost no free time for myself. That means I have to travel almost 2 hours everyday from the bronx over to Brooklyn which is stressful. Also the big switch from high school to all this is wild for example the work nobody’s gonna say anything if you don’t do it that’s tough everybody moves on to the next thing and everything keeps going. My study skills aren’t the best not because I can’t retain information but the procrastination and how I tell myself I’m gonna do something then push it back and back till the due date then stress about it. I think the biggest thing that works for me is studying with someone else cause if I see that person taking it serious I’m gonna do the same thing. I think I need to learn how to manage my time better. For example right now I’m typing this an hour before I have to leave to go to class and I’m not even dressed and ready. Being a college student so far has been easier than I thought it would be only because its the first couple days but still Ive liked most of my class and find adjusting to everything pretty easy.


    This linked image above is of Jon jones winning his first belt back in 2011 and this really got me into mma and fighting all around he made me start wresting and boxing from a young age and that all stopped me from getting into trouble because my mom said shed only put me in classes if I stayed out of trouble and had good grades.

  18. Nathan


    English has always been an enjoyable topic for me, arguing, reading and analyzing are skills that I take pride in. So going into this semester I had nothing but confidence; I like to keep a positive mindset in general, especially towards my life and my goals. When it comes to study skills I find myself adjusting to the situation no matter what it is,such as group work and individual work. Not saying I’m perfect but I still believe that I have room for improvement. I think I should work on my annotating more so I can infer stories and see multiple perspectives like I did today.

    Some worries and concerns I have as a college student are being behind in my work and not fully understanding a topic/unit. I’m trying my best to stay on top of things so I’ll always be ahead and on target no matter the class. Being new to the whole college thing was never racking mainly because as a freshman/ being new in general you really don’t want to make mistakes or fall behind so that’s the main reason I would like to stay on top of work. 

    Looking back at the passage we examined in class I failed to realize the part about the girl’s neighbor talking about blowing his brains out I didn’t take in a suicidal manner I thought of it as a over exaggeration which isn’t a bad a thing but I need to learn to how consider more perspectives. Therefore I need to work on my analysis more. I can work on this by re reading the passage more than once and picking out key details so I won’t make mistakes like these again. 

    Kobe Bryant (image won’t insert)This image means alot to me because growing up I looked up to Kobe as a role model. I aspired to be like him and still do, his work mentality and skill set was elite and his dedication to his craft and goals were astonishing. This is where I developed the concept of working hard and pushing through anything no matter the obstacles. I would spend summers pushing my mind and body to the limit just like he did. Due to all this work I’ve dedicated myself to I noticed I became more competitive and confident. Kobe Bryant was the man that really got me into basketball seriously and I don’t regret a thing. May his soul rest in peace. (Mamba Out)

    To be concluded this is what makes me the person who I am today. I tend to learn from my mistakes. I only want what’s best for myself and I’m always eager to learn. There’s nothing I can’t do so I’ll continue to strive for greatness. 

    • Nathan


      • howard chan

        I also admire Kobe Bryant’s work ethic and mentality and I appreciate how you’ve taken his dedication and mentality as a tribute.

  19. Bjorni Hasan


    The term that best describes my feelings as I begin this course and my college career in the US is “inquisitive.” What lies ahead in terms of academic challenges, personal development, and the opportunities that college may bring fascinates me greatly. In terms of study techniques, I’ve noticed that organization is critical to my performance. When I establish a well-structured calendar, break work into small portions, and set clear deadlines, I find it simpler to pay attention and stay on task. Additionally, being a visual learner, I frequently use visual tools like mind maps, flashcards, and diagrams to help me understand challenging concepts and subjects. Procrastination and time management, nevertheless, are a persistent problem I have. To increase my effectiveness as a whole, I must make progress in these areas.

    As a result of the readings and college life in general, I’m alternately excited and uncertain. I can’t wait to explore the new realms of thought and opportunity that the readings, despite their difficulty, bring up. Being a college student is a thrilling and intimidating experience that represents a significant step towards personal growth.

  20. Aryan

    I mostly feel nervous about college. It doesn’t feel real that I made it to college already. My college experience so far has been wandering around in the hall lost or trying to make friends unsuccessfully. I have been smiling at people in my class trying to seem friendly but that’s not working so well. I am excited for college and all the possibilities but I am also worried I won’t be a successful student. I have a bad habit of procrastinating. As for my study skills, I work better alone with no music and during the night. I notice when I am studying with a group I tend to get distracted very easily and end up not remembering anything. When I am studying I don’t really play music, it just gets me distracted and I end up just turning it off. I also like to study during the night. I am not sure why, maybe it’s because there aren’t a lot of other things I can do. I am trying to get better at managing my time and procrastinating. I tend to get distracted and I end up just pushing my work till the last day. I am trying to get rid of that habit with a new start. 

     This is an image from a show I grew up watching and still watch. It has helped me make friends and just connect with people. I remember making some of my first friends because of this show and having something in common to talk about.

  21. Aryan

    I mostly feel nervous about college. It doesn’t feel real that I made it to college already. My college experience so far has been wandering around in the hall lost or trying to make friends unsuccessfully. I have been smiling at people in my class trying to seem friendly but that’s not working so well. I am excited for college and all the possibilities but I am also worried I won’t be a successful student. I have a bad habit of procrastinating. As for my study skills, I work better alone with no music and during the night. I notice when I am studying with a group I tend to get distracted very easily and end up not remembering anything. When I am studying I don’t really play music, it just gets me distracted and I end up just turning it off. I also like to study during the night. I am not sure why, maybe it’s because there aren’t a lot of other things I can do. I am trying to get better at managing my time and procrastinating. I tend to get distracted and I end up just pushing my work till the last day. I am trying to get rid of that habit with a new start. 

     This is an image from a show I grew up watching and still watch. It has helped me make friends and just connect with people. I remember making some of my first friends because of this show and having something in common to talk about.

  22. howard chan

    Tired. My study skills rely on how I’m doing on a subject, If I understand the material given to me, I can usually brief up on the information and head into a quiz but for exams and such I would like to go over the fabric for at least an hour or more. I find having a friend study with you is actually very helpful if one of you has more knowledge on the topic than the other, it helps me understand the topic more since I can ask any ridiculous question. On the other hand, listening to music while studying doesn’t work for me as I get distracted or zoned out. I can work on how I manage my time because I sometimes end up not studying at all due to pursuing other aspects of my life.


    My only two concerns being in college are- my sleep schedule and maintaining good grades. Ever since my senior year in high school I’ve been sleeping late and waking up early for class and I always felt sluggish in class because I had very little energy, Because of that I never really put in the effort in class I was able to maintain decent grades without trying very hard. But I’m unsure if I can get through college with that kind of work effort anymore. Since I have decided to transfer to an academically more challenging college, I’ve had a premonition to not only get good grades but also to maintain good grades through the school term as getting half-decent grades won’t do anymore. I do have doubts about this since my work and study ethic are not the greatest, but I have plans to get better at it.

    ?w=940″ alt=”Netflix | Brand Assets | Logos”>

    I chose a photo of the Netflix logo because to me it means I have time to relax and watch the TV shows I like; I spend most of my free time watching Netflix with my friends. However, I probably should start putting all that time I spend watching Netflix into studying.


    • fatumata

      I also like watching Netflix too. I think it is a good way to relax and enjoy some peace.

  23. Fatumata Barrie

    Excited.Living in an African Muslim household, I knew post-secondary education was not optional. My parents didn’t have the opportunity to experience all four years of college, so for me and my siblings, college was an expectation. This expectation was on the winning side for me. College not being optional has only pushed me further knowing that I have no other alternatives to becoming successful. As a first- generation American, I’m looking forward to this next chapter of my life. So I’m pretty excited for this course and college, coming in as a freshman. I don’t really have study skills since I tend to memorize things. But when I do study I like listening to music since it sets the tone. I also like working as a group since I believe it is beneficial to me. I need to improve my note taking skills and writing. I don’t really like writing at all. I find it difficult to articulate everything I’m thinking on a piece of paper. 

    I worry that no matter how much I study I won’t be able to understand the content being taught. I am also a big procrastinator and always leave my work until the last minute because I tend to work better under pressure. This is a bad habit to have, especially coming into college. For this school year I plan to better manage my time so I can be successful and pass all my courses with an A.

    Taraweeh from the Prophet's Masjid to Times Square: Progression or  Regression : The Abu Aaliyah Gazette

    I chose this photo  because it was One of my favorite experiences that I shared with my friend that sparked my confidence in realizing that being muslim shouldn’t feel like a burden. It was during the last 10 days of Ramadan were we decided to go pray our night prayers in Time Square. Not knowing how the outcome will be, since this is the first time we will be praying out in the streets of Manhattan for everyone to see. The feeling was nerve-racking and exciting at the same time. As soon as we reached our destination I saw blue tarps spreaded all through the streets taking almost 3 blocks. Filled with both men and women from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds, dressed in colorful abaya and robes. Seeing such a beautiful site filled with people gathering around each other conversing, praying, wishing peace and blessing upon one another, showed me how peaceful and magnificent my religion is.

     Our friendship helped me to become more confident in embracing who I am. It made me realize that a hijab is not just a single fabric you wrap around your head but instead it helps you feel protected from the oppression of our world, and makes you feel closer to Allah.

    The significance of my hijab not only frames the way I live my life, but it also connects to my culture and my entire sense of identity. Thus being the first-generation American, it is my responsibility to carry on the religion of my parents, passed down to generations to come.

  24. Michelle Haddad

    One word that I would describe college is stressful. I find college to be something that I need to get used to and need time to adjust. In highschool you are so used to your teachers telling you what is due and on top of you. Meanwhile in college you the only person that really needs to be on top of you is yourself. You have to do everything yourself because nobody is going to remind you to do your work or to study. Especially with this course in English class I’m a little shy and nervous when it comes to sharing the way I think and writing pieces of my original work. 

    I’m not a great writer, so it takes me a while to find out what to write about. I also struggle with transitioning from paragraph to paragraph, which I would like to improve in order to create a good and seamless essay. To improve my study skills, I prefer to color code my notes. I prefer to make them colorful and appealing because it motivates you to study, plus it has been scientifically proven that colorful words help you remember what you’re studying. I feel like I need to work on the flow of my sentences and find better words so I can sound more smart in a way. 

    This picture means so much to me because I finally graduated highschool. I know that it isn’t a lot because I still have many years of college to go but not everyone finishes highschool. Most of my family didn’t graduate highschool and I’m happy that I gotta do it and make everybody proud and show them that there’s more to come in the future. One other thing is that I got to share that experience with my friends that I love so much. We all helped each other develop and be the greatest versions of ourselves, and we are still there for each other and will take another photo like this in four years.

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