Developed by First Year Programs

Reflection #1

What do you want your classmates to know about you? Consider sharing your goals as a college student, why you chose City Tech, what you hope to learn in your first semester at City Tech, or anything important to you.

Read other classmates’ posts and help welcome each other by writing a response.


  1. Emina

    I chose City Tech because it was the best college for me as I want to go into Dental Hygiene. I do have some classes with my classmates so I hope to get to know each of them and hope we all get into our program and wish everyone the best on their journey.

  2. Kaiyla

    I want my classmates to know that the reason why I chose nursing is because I love kids and my family comes from a line of nurses and I would like to be one of the next generations of nursing in my family .

    • Elizabeth Parajon

      I’ve always wanted to be a part of the medical field so I decided to do nursing even if I’m not quite sure if this is the path I want to take. I hope once settle in city tech I can have a clearer picture of what I want in the field and feel content with my career. I decided to be a part of the city tech community because it felt welcoming and it was also was very convenient for travel.

      • Evelyn Chavez

        I agree with you, city tech is very convenient for travel and its also very welcoming. They show there respect for everyone no matter their, gender, race, ethnicity or origin.

  3. maxy

    I’m someone who wants to achieve what I can. My goal is to pass my classes for this semester. I chose CityTech because the school has the major I want to work in. I hope to learn the basic information that is required for in academic field.

  4. Emily

    One thing that I feel like my peers should know about me is that I’m sort of an open book so if y’all have any questions to ask me feel free to ask. I chose City Tech because my mom chose it for me. I didn’t really have a college in mind so I just went with wherever she wanted me to go also because she used to go there too. What I hope to learn in the first semester of college is literally everything. I want to be able to be prepared for anything.

  5. Alondra

    For this semester my first goal is to pass my classes and to improve my studying habits.I would really like to learn some studying tips and how to mange my time with school, work, and my free time as well has become a bit more social.

  6. Jasir Ynfante

    Hello my name is Jasir, and one thing I want my classmates to know is how excited I am for this semester to arrive and how ready I am to tackle these though classes together. Trusting God through everything and praying everything goes well. I hope to start a Christian club in our school if I am given the chance, and I hope to make some friends and introduce them my Lord and Savior, God willing.

  7. Evelyn Chavez

    My two main goals as a college student is to always be on time to my classes and manage my time accordingly. Sometimes I tend to struggle with managing my time which then causes me to turn in work late or barely on time. Overall I just hope to stay focus on all my college work in order to succeed.

    • Ting Wei

      I agree, I have the same problem. My procrastination makes it hard for me to finish my work on time. I hope to balance my work and study time.

  8. Ting Wei

    I chose City Tech because it is close to my home and has the major I want to study. I am confused now and I am not sure about my major and what I want to do in the future. I hope I can improve my English through the course, find the right goal and learn more useful skills.

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