Communication & Collaboration, #5

Shot of a skyline at night on a bridge in Brooklyn, by Angela Alvarez.
Shot of a skyline at night on a bridge in Brooklyn, by Angela Alvarez, 2023.

In my very second assigned task week in the internship, I was responsible for redesigning a pop-up for the website. Though this assignment was solely tasked to me, I utilized the importance of communication and collaboration in order to get the best results. The original pop-up was a form that encouraged consumers to sign up and get a percentage off of their purchase, along with signing up for newsletter emails.

Communication was really important in this task so I can truly understand what the brand stands for and wants to represent in their marketing through elements such as pop-up boxes on the landing page. The main person that I collaborated with was my supervisor, who is the leading face of the company. I walked through the entire process with her, where we both contributed to the task at hand. She showed me the platforms that the forms are on, and details such as a timer set for the pop-up to appear on certain devices. On my end, I came up with 12 different designs that ranged in two color schemes that the brand guidelines follow. This task meant that I had to show her my sketches that I came up with, and from her expertise, which ones she thought would best represent the company. From there on, I produced more designs and walked through the displayed copy to make sure that her voice in the message felt authentic and welcoming for incoming consumers. Communicating in person really worked for this task, because I was able to conduct her vision in live-time and show it to her, where she had suggested minor changes by simply pointing to the screen.

Overall during the end of week meeting, I had boiled the design down to 2-3 options, where I felt like it was necessary to have the rest of the team chime in for their best opinion. This was really helpful to be able to get insight from other minds who were seeing the design for the first time, rather than me since I was working on the project the entire week. What ended up happening was that the images of her did not feel quite right, and that is why it is so important to be a fast thinker and worker. The leaders pulled up some additional photographs from an external source, where I then imported it into the design for a final appearance.

I learned a lot in this past week, from the importance of communication and collaboration, to the importance of iterations and working through designs. It helped me so much to be able to hear feedback from fellow teammates who were seeing the design for the first time and could output their first thoughts. But additionally, it was so important for me to come up with different iterations of the design to allow for options to be had. Sometimes seeing two completely designs that may not feel right could lead to a third design that has all of the necessary elements to effectively solve the problem at hand and create the best vision for the company.

This collaborative project was very successful, and now, first-time consumers who are interested in a wellness and lifestyle journey will be greeted by an introductory pop-up that highlights women’s history month and a promotion for users who input their name and email address.

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