Entry #3:(Chapter Meetings)

As a member of the NYPIRG, every intern must do a chapter meeting. Whether it is in person or virtual. For my first chapter meeting, I decided to go there in person to see what everybody looks like as well as hear what the program has to provide for us interns in person. Anyway, what is the chapter meeting may ask? So basically, it’s a club meeting where all the interns and the supervisor talk about work-related stuff such as events and upcoming projects to work on. For my first meeting, we introduce ourselves to each other and gave us insight into what type of project will be working on for this semester. This includes healthcare, Greenlight eco-buildings, and affordable transportation. As of right now, our first assignment is to bring in more people to the NYPIRG program. Even though I am not big on communicating with people, I hope that my communication skills are good enough to persuade them to join.