Entry #4:Thirteen Ways of Looking.. Event

On February 24th, I went to an online event called “Visiting Lecture l Stella Betts: Thirteen Ways of Looking…” hosted by David Leven and Stella Beth herself. This event is based on the book called “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a House” which talks about many ways of constructing the house as well as breaking down the meaning of why having those structures or those foundations of building a house it’s important to have. Not only for houses but just in the world of architecture in general. They also talked about building places with architectural elements within different states. For example, they are building two public libraries in the Brooklyn area. As they were present-day diagrams on what they were going to look like as well as the materials they were using and what each material used functionality is and their purpose. Even though the architecture is not something I want to do as a career path, the similarities between architectures and graphic designers are that they both plan out ideas of what they want to construct and present to the public with reason and meaning behind it. Another comparison is that they both use 100% of their creativity to accomplish their objective. After the event, it made me realize that I must always have a game plan before I create any project for myself, client, or company.