Dr. Gwen Cohen Brown: HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health in the Allied Health Fields (Dentistry)



Please respond to the following 3 questions:

What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?

What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

DUE Wednesday October 28th, 2015

17 thoughts on “Dr. Gwen Cohen Brown: HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health in the Allied Health Fields (Dentistry)

  1. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

    If you are stressed you are more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as unsafe sex or drug use. This would give you a higher chance of contracting HIV.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?

    Coping can help prevent getting HIV. If you practice safe sex you have a better chance of not contracting HIV. Also if you take care of yourself and do not do drugs and eat healthy you will have a healthier immune system which in a contributing factor in not getting an STD.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

    Living with HIV can cause someone to have a lot of stress. They might constantly worry about having a virus, or about dying, passing it on etc. Having a lot of stress while living with HIV can increase the risk of the virus becoming AIDs.

  2. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    Stress plays a role in contracting HIV by increasing the likelihood of risky behaviors such as unprotected sex and drug use. It also lowers one’s natural immunity against pathogens and therefore you become more susceptible when exposed to a source of HIV.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    Being able to cope with stress can help prevent HIV because people who know how to effectively cope with stress in healthy ways will reduce HIV transmission risk behavior. Also, their immune system is less likely to be compromised. Diseases attack bodies that can’t fight it. A strong immunity is a good defense against such things.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    Coping plays a major role in living with HIV because people who are able to cope with having HIV have a better prognosis. Chances are that they will live longer as they are less stressed and therefore have a lower chance of the HIV developing into AIDS. They would also adhere to their treatment better.

  3. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    When people stress out their more likely engage in risky behavior and that can cause them contracting HIV. The reason why it more likely contracting HIV because it can lead them to having unprotected sex and drugs use.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    Coping with stress can help you prevent from having HIV because your immune system would be healthier because your not stress out. Also if your able to cope with stress you would not be taking drug and it won’t harm your body and it wont cause you having HIV.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    Coping play a role with people that are living with HIV because people that are able to cop they would able live longer and they would not need to worry to get AID Because people that are not able to cop with HIV they tend to be more stress and their body is not healthy and it would lead to AID.

  4. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    We learned in class that stress has a negative effect on the body’s immune system.
    Stress can alter the function of white blood cells (lymphocytes and macrophages) involved in immune function. So stress lowers the immune system making the body weaker. A weaker body is a risk factor to contracting viruses. If the function of the lymphocytes is altered and weaker, they are more easily attacked by the HIV virus.
    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    When we have support from family members, friends, groups or organizations that support and help HIV/AIDS patients, we are encouraged, feel less stress, are able to cope, get help and function better. Less stress means the body is not stressed and are able to better fight of infections or viruses like HIV.
    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    Less stress and positive coping helps the person with HIV to mange their illness better and live a longer life. Family members, friends, support groups or organizations help the patient with HIV feel less stress, cope better and manage their illness better. A family member can check on the HIV person to see that they are taking their medication, eating healthy, exercising and getting enough rest so the body fights of infections.

  5. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    -When people are stressed they tend to look for a way to let off some stress. In doing so they may or may not engage in risky behaviors such as unprotected sex and drug abuse (with shared needles) that can lead one to make wrong choices that then lead to the possibility of contracting HIV.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    -Coping with stress can prevent HIV contraction because you are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. You would most likely practice safe sex because you are aware of the risks and its consequences.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    -If someone living with HIV is less stressed and is coping with the virus they are more likely to take their medication and live a long life. If they stress out they may forget to take their medication and are less likely to maintain good health.

  6. >What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    Stress causes an individual to become more susceptible in engaging in risky behaviors. These risky behaviors include doing drugs, unprotected sex, etc. These risky behaviors increase an individual chances of contracting HIV.

    >What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    Coping with stress can either lower or increase an individualā€™s chances of engaging in risky behaviors. As mentioned in class there are two coping methods: problem-based coping & emotion-based coping. Coping allows an individual to eliminate stressors or the causes of stress. It can also cause an individual to engage in bad behaviors such as drinking, distracting oneself from stressors, or using drugs. Problem-based coping would be effective in preventing HIV while emotion-based coping might not because an individual can distract him/herself from stressors by engage in bad behaviors that might lead to risky behaviors under the influence of their bad behaviors.

    >What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    Coping with stress can either have a positive effect or a negative effect on an individualā€™s health. If stressors are eliminated, the individual will have a better health therefore a better immune response. A better immune response gives an individual a better chance of preventing HIV from developing into AIDS. If stressors arenā€™t eliminated, the individualā€™s health will get worse therefore a declining immune response to opportunistic diseases.

  7. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

    The role of stress and coping with stress play in contracting HIV is that once people is not able to manage their stress they become susceptible to perform in risky behavior to rid them of stress such as unprotected sex and drug use resulting in contracting HIV.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?

    The role of stress and coping play in preventing HIV is that once people manage to cope with their stress, they are less susceptible to perform in risky behavior therefore preventing HIV.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

    The role of stress and coping play in living with HIV is that should an individual contract HIV, it is necessary to cope with stress to prevent the stimulation of HIV so the immune system will not be affected and to take medications daily. Should stress not be manage, the immune system will take a hit making the body more susceptible to other diseases and progress to AIDS. Also not taking medications daily as well will deteriorate health.

  8. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

    Stress leads to being more susceptible to risky behaviors, to alleviate the stress. A popular risky behavior is unprotected sex ā€” this can lead to HIV contraction.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?

    It all depends on how the individual deals with stress. Some people are strong and resist risky behaviors, which prevents contracting HIV.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

    Taking your medications daily and not letting your new condition get the best of you. When you do you start to overthink and internal stress builds upā€”increasing the chances of HIV becoming AIDS. Learn positive coping strategies and youll decrease the chances of AIDS becoming a reality.

  9. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    stress can cause you obtain HIV or another disease if you engage in an unsafe behavior to relieve your stress. people who engage in a risky behavior can increase their drinking habits which could lead you to having unsafe sex with someone. drug abuse may also lead you to getting HIV if you share needles.
    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    if you use coping mechanisms to deal with stress effectively you are less likely to get HIV if you don’t engage in a risky behavior. instead of developing an addiction you might eat healthier, manage your time wisely and spend time with your family. On the other hand if you don’t manage your stress, you might restort to drug abuse,alcohol abuse which could increase your chances of getting HIV from someone who has the disease.
    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    coping with stress allows your body to function optimally thus preventing the disease from progressing faster. over time the antivirus in your medication also works more effectively which prevents the disease from advancing.

  10. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    Often when one is stress they tend to find ways to release stress, whether it’s doing drugs or engaging in engaging in risky sexual activities.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    Coping does play a role in preventing HIV. If you understand how to deal and cope with stress, whether it’s finding ways to deal with stress in a healthy manner or simply being informed on how to live a healthy life are all ways that coping can play a factor in preventing HIV.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    Sometimes Stress can be a good thing, because it can sometime motivate an individual to take action. If an individual knows how to cope with having HIV, by making sure they get the right treatment and living a healthy safe lifestyle, then coping can play a huge role in living with HIV.

  11. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    HIV is not something can spread easily. A person canā€™t get it from sharing a drink or kissing. Also its not airborne so the only way is from body fluids such as blood, semen, and other types of body fluids that contains blood. Stress can make a person do things without thinking twice which can lead to unprotected sex that can result in contracting HIV.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    Everyone is somewhat stressed from work or family matters but there are some who knows how to deal with it so their chance of engaging in reckless behaviors is less than the ones who donā€™t know how to manage stress.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    Coping is a big factor because if people are able to cope then the chances are that their life with HIV will be a lot easier and if stress is reduced, they might live a longer life life. Also, if there are support from family or friends that can help the person with HIV manage their lives and giving them hope to live instead of letting the person think that they are facing obstacle by themselves which can lead to negative results.

  12. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

    Stress can increase the probability of someone engaging in high risk behaviors such as unprotected sex. It also decreases the function of your immune system, making it easier to contract HIV.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?

    Good coping skills usually relate with decreased probability of engaging in high risk behaviors and better immune system function since it is not compromised from high stress levels.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    People with good coping skills are more likely to live longer and do things such as take medications daily. Those who have higher stress levels are more likely to get AIDS due to their weakened immune system, not engaging in healthy behaviors, and are more likely to not take their medicine daily.

  13. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    with stress a person is more likely to involve in high risky or harmful health behaviors like having unprotected sexual intercourse, IV drugs and sharing dirty needles. stress makes a person is more susceptible from contracting any disease

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    a person who knows how to deal with tress or find a way to cope with any situation will more likely to think before engaging in risky behaviors. will use a condom while having sex or buy his own needle for IVD use

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    stress enable HIV to spread more quickly in infected persons and prevent the drugs to work efficiently to restore immune systems. the higher the stress level the less you responded to antiretroviral drugs. If the person cope he will take his medications on time or follow up with health care provider.

  14. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    Stress play a huge part in contracting HIV because people tend to be reckless. People would also tend to do dangerous activity to let out some steam such as drugs and unprotected sex.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    Coping help lower the chance of getting HIV because people tend to under the control of their emotions. People who know how to cope with their stress are in tune with the emotion and self-esteem and much happier with their life. They wouldn’t seek reckless behavior.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    People with coping skill tend to live longer living with HIV because they know that it is not end of the world. They would have the skill to handle the stress and made best of their life such as taking medication daily and also live healthier life.

  15. * Stress does not allow a person to think clearly and make rational decisions so you are more likely to participate in risky behaviors such as unprotected sex, experimental alcohol and drug use and unhealthy eating habits.
    * Coping gives you the ability to think before you act so if you’re stressed, managing it makes you less likely to engage in risky behaviors.
    * Stress and coping in a person living with HIV can have 2 outcomes, you can be stressed and do nothing about it and just let life pass you by. You can be stressed realize the problem, understand your diagnosis is not the end of the world and do something about it. Get help, speak to someone, realize your support system and begin to take the necessary steps in the direction of maintaining a healthy life.

  16. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    If you are stressed, your immune system is more likely to get any diseases. So there is no exception of getting HIV when you have unprotected sex.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    Everyone has a different life style and different ways to manage their stresses. People who manage the stresses well and eat healthy, they are more likely to develop a strong immune system.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    Prevent or cope with stress is the one of the important in our lives. Being aware of health behaviors, living a healthy lifestyle and etc.

  17. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

    Stress does several things to people. First of all stress weakens the immune system significantly. This makes it easier to contract any disease, not limited to but including HIV, but perhaps the biggest factor that stress contributes to is the effect is has on your lifestyle. A stressed individual would be more likely to make irrational decisions such as having unprotected sex with an individual. This could increase the chances of contracting HIV significantly.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?

    Very similarly to HIV’s acquisition, someone who possesses good coping skills and has minimal stress is less likely to contract HIV due to the reasons that where stated above.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

    Stress weakens the immune system. In addition to this, HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system. The combination of the two could significantly increase the effect that HIV has on an individual. Because HIV weakens the immune system, stress would only amplify those effects and leave the individual at risk.

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