
Here you will find Due Dates of all assignments featured for each week.

Please remember that the readings and the corresponding quizzes are part of your course grade.  You will find your READINGS under the Readings Tab and will have a schedule of due dates for reading in addition to the assignments here. 

You may use the drop down menu under the Assignments tab to access materials, rubrics, and assignment descriptions for each assignment listed here.  Assignments are to be completed on OpenLab; papers submitted via Blackboard SafeAssign.

DUE Tuesday, September 1st:

Review course description, syllabus, and policies.  In the form of a comment/reply, complete the task described on the course POLICIES page.

DUE Monday, September 7th, 2015:

Online Tuskegee reading and commentary. For assignment, please respond to one of five questions featured at the end of the article.

PRE-VIEWING ACTIVITY DUE September 17th, 2015

Please complete a response to the Race the Power of an Illusion: Episode One- The Difference Between Us Pre-Viewing Activity

POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY DUE Friday, September 18th, 2015

Please complete a response to the Race the Power of an Illusion: Episode One- The Difference Between Us Post-Viewing Activity

FRIDAY September 25th, 2015:

**Group Work:  IN-CLASS Health and Behavior Theories Worksheet

Pre-viewing Activity DUE: Wednesday, October 14th, 2015

Complete pre-viewing activity for “When the Bough Breaks” by using the tab above or clicking HERE.

Post-viewing DUE Friday., October 16th

Please complete the Post-Viewing activity for Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick- When the Bough Breaks by clicking HERE.

DUE Wednesday, October 21st, 2015:

Please complete pre-viewing activity for Race: The Power of an Illusion- Episode Two: The Story we Tell by clicking HERE.

Post-viewing Activity DUE Friday, October 23rd, 2015

Please complete the post-viewing activities for Race the Power of Illusion: Episode Two- The Story we Tell by clicking HERE.

DUE Friday, October 23rd, 2015**

**I’m Positive Assignment

Please submit via SafeAssign on Blackboard by October 23rd, 2015.

Pre-viewing DUE: Monday, October 26th, 2015

Please complete the post-viewing activity after watching Race The Power of an Illusion: Episode Three- The House We Live In by clicking HERE.

HIV/AIDS Lecture– VIEWING and RESPONSES to 3 questions, DUE November 10th

Pre-viewing Activity DUE: Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

Please complete the pre-viewing activity for Unnatural Causes: In Sickness and In Wealth by clicking HERE.

TWO Post-viewing Activities DUE: Saturday 31st, 2015

Please complete the following post-viewing activities:

In Sickness and In Wealth

Episode Three: The House we Live In

DUE Thursday.,November 5th

Critical Race Paper

Please submit via SafeAssign on Blackboard by November 5th, 2015.

DUE: Wed., November 25th

Individual Article Critique

Please submit via SafeAssign on Blackboard by November 25th, 2015.

DUE: Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

LiveWell Assignment

DUE Tuesday, December 8th

Group Poster

FINAL- Self-Reflections December 15th, 2015