In Sickness and in Wealth: Pre-viewing activity

Please answer the following questions below using the reply/comment section:

In the film we are about to watch, a woman-Angelique Anderson-says: “I always wanted to have a house with a big back yard…” Corey adds: “I want to own a house so that if anything happened to me, she wouldn’t be put out on the street.”

• What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?

• How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?

• How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?

26 thoughts on “In Sickness and in Wealth: Pre-viewing activity

  1. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    As we have learned in class and from our readings, stress can be very detrimental to our health. It can lead to cardiovascular problems, obesity, and depression. Having an affordable, quality, and secure housing will probably decrease an individual’s amount of stress. Paying rent is a daily hassle that can build up to become unbearable and overwhelming especially if one is struggling to be able to pay it along with other daily expenses. Finance is a big factor that contributes to people’s stress levels. Not having that security will definitely increase our stress which may lead to development of illness.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    Home ownership or its lack affects conditions in our community because we all need shelter. Without homes in our community, people will have to live on the streets. Having homeless people in the community also increases the perception of danger. The community may become unsafe and may continue to deteriorate if it is neglected.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    I would say that finding quality, affordable housing in my community is not easy. Queens in still not that bad, but rent continues to rise every year and the development of more expensive houses, apartments, and condominiums are making housing even more difficult to afford for those who are in the low or middle classes. People are simply getting too greedy and the poorer people are being pushed further and further into the outskirts of the city and less developed areas.

  2. What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    A great home can improve someone’s health because it could reduce stress levels; in other words, people would have to be less worried about meeting their rent budget at the end of every month. In terms of quality, it would be beneficial to live in a well-built home, for example if you live in a place which is old and leaking, then you could be exposed to environmental harms such as asbestos or disease. In terms of security, if you live in a place which is secure then you would be less worried about being robbed or worst shot. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you couldn’t live happily in any neighborhood. However, the best places to live are determined by the zone in which crime rates are lower. Usually, the safer neighborhoods have the highest cost of living.
    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    Having a home improves someone’s ability to cope with unpredictable conditions and People would have to be less worried about where they are going to sleep for the night. Also having a home increases someone’s ability to socialize, and expand one’s environment. For example, a lot of People gather in a home, and they meet with relatives or they get to know their neighbors. On the other hand; the opposite, not having a home could lead to being homeless. It is an unpredictable situation to be in, because then one would have to be worried about how to eat your next meal or shower. Not having a home could lead someone to resort to crime and depend on others for money. The community is affected, because a lot of people relate many factors like crime, graffiti, number of homeless people on the street, shootings and all of that before renting a property. This reduces the cost of a neighborhood’s real state. For example, a lot of business owners would not rent places where there is high crime rate.
    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    Today it is very difficult to find quality housing because the cost of rent has gone up dramatically. The good neighborhoods, in which crime rates are lower, have seen an increase in rent prices. Good/ competitive apartments are less likely to be found in decent sizes, and also rentals spaces have decreased to allow more people to rent. I guess now days as developments decrease further, the smaller spaces for rent can also be bad for someone’s health because these induce stress. In a way, the bigger affordable apartments are often located outside in industrial zones, but where crime rates are often high and there is less population. It has become so competitive to find good apartments that owners have resorted to bidding, or requiring credit checks before renting to someone. The cost of rent is so high, that if you live in Manhattan, for example one can expect to pay a lot for living in a small room.

  3. 1. What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    An affordable, quality and secure housing is among one of the most important determinants of health. Our physical and mental health is largely related to having a home that is safe and free from physical hazards. In contrast, poor housing conditions are associated with a wide range of health problems such as respiratory infections, chronic diseases, injuries and poor childhood development. It is estimated that two million people make emergency room visits each year for asthma and 1 million children across the country are diagnosed with high level of lead that is sufficient to impact their development

    2. How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    The same way, home ownership or its lack impacts our health, the same; it affects also conditions in our community. Housing prices are moderately high in my community because of factors such as a favorable physical environment (green spaces, recreational activities, grocery accessibility). As a result, the lack of affordable housing push many families with limited income toward substandard housings located mostly in unsafe and overcrowded neighborhood characterized by high level of crimes, high rate of poverty and very limited resources that promote health such as green spaces, parks and recreational centers. Other families, who can’t even afford for housing at all, come to enlarge the big number of homeless people already on the streets of New York City.

    3. How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    I live in uptown Manhattan, few blocks from central Park and I would say that finding a quality, affordable housing in my community is not an easy task. Prices are moderately high and rise from year to year. To be entitled to an apartment in a coo-up building, you will be on a waiting list for five to seven years depending on the size of the apartment.

  4. 1- stress is a fact of life and we don’t always have control over it . Having an affordable housing is one of the most important things of life. Being able to pay a shelter that is safe, secure may motivate your attitude and reduce stressors that can be detrimental to your body. If you look at Maslow hierarchy of need, shelter is the most basic need and if this need is met you can cope to a certain level especially if the condition is free from health environmental hazards like lead , asbestos, leakage and so on…

    2- Home ownership factor is really that activate stressors in our life. It is problem every where. Housing prices are very high and there is no control over it. Due to gentrification people are unable to pay housing either rent or own and employment is bad. If you are unemployed or have a limited income to live in a good neighborhood chances are that you end up to war place that is unsafe . It will add stress to your daily hassles. On the other hand. living in a good place will decrease your stress and help you engage in activities that can activate coping to certain situations like yoga, exercise, outdoor activity with your neighbor, family and friends.

    3- For me it is not easy to find quality, affordable housing in my community. Where ever you decided to rent or own is difficult and pricey. Anyone that vacated and apartment the rent will double up and owners are trying to push renters out to make more money or profit; and the amount of documents they ask are exaggerated. For private home, discrimination is really a problem. The owner should love you and most part they look at your skin color. If you have kids or pets forget about it. My best advice, if you lived in a place for years , don’t move otherwise you won’t find one close to that price

  5. What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?

    If a person has affordable, quality, and secure housing they are more likely to be healthier than a person who does not have this. This is because they are less likely to be stressed. A person who does not have secure housing is going to constantly worry and it will take a toll on their body. Their mental health would also be at risk. They may become depressed because the conditions in which they are living are bad.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?

    Home ownership is important because everyone needs shelter in order to survive. If you do not have a home you are most likely not going to be healthy. People not having a home affects many communities. There are a lot of homeless people and they have nowhere to go. Most of them sleep on the streets and people do not like that. A community with a large amount of homeless people seems to be looked at as a bad neighborhood.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?

    I think it is quite difficult to find quality, affordable housing in my community. I live on Staten Island so I do believe it would be easier to find a home here rather than Manhattan or Brooklyn, but it still can be expensive. Affordable housing on Staten Island is mostly in run-down neighborhoods. I think affordable housing is going to get even more difficult to find on Staten Island once the ferris wheel and new outlet stores get built.

  6. What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    People that have affordable quality and secure housing they would have better health condition because they do not need to be stress out worrying not able to pay for rents. For people that are not able to afford a house they would worry they not able to pay for rents or worry that when rent increase they would have no where to live in.
    How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    Home ownership is a problem and it stress people out that would lead to health problems and other. The way it affect the community is now days the house prices is sky high not everyone can afford to buy a house, also renting is super expensive just for one room. It made a lot people not able to afford it and they become homeless or have to go live in a unsafe places.

    How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community
    It is really difficult to find a quality, affordable housing in my community because rent is so high and buying a house is to expensive. Everyone is selling their house for like million range, because they know they would make good money if someone buy it and they would move to another state to live in since house price can be way cheap then New York. Also for renting if you do not have a stable or pay well job you would not able to find a apartment in the community i live in because rent is like 1500$ for one room if you are lucky you can find two room that cost about that price.

  7. What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    Health benefits that might derive are particularly less stress. Paying rent can sometimes be huge factor in building up stress, especially if one is not in the best environment, has multiple people depending on that person, and is not able to make ends meet, then that person might have more stress than a person who is in a opposite situation.

    How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    Owning a home represents your economic status. For example, inner city areas where there is not as many home ownership does affect the condition in that environment as that environment is now maybe labeled as a low class unsafe environment, which leads to chaos. Areas with the most home ownership will probably experience a better environment and less chaos.

    How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    In my community it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to own a home because rent is high since I live near a huge tourist attraction and it seems like every six months a new apartment complex is being built. Families who used to own home are selling there house for lower than the house is actually worth.

  8. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    Definitely more peace of mind. Peace of mind knowing that you are in a safe area for the most part. Quality housing also makes you want to be at home because of how nice it looks. Looks do matter when it comes to certain areas of life, housing is no exception. However, it is what is in the inside of the house that matters. Housing that looks good on the outside and inside does amazing things to your confidence and happiness. If this is all affordable, that is the icing on the cake. Everyone loves knowing that they can actually afford the lifestyle that they want to live. Feeling great about where you live can do great things for your health. Improved happiness, satisfaction, and outlook. These feelings lead to far more positive thoughts about your community as a whole and how you feel being a part of this community. Reduced stress is clearly a major health benefit.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    Home ownership affects how the community is structured. All the homes are away from marketplaces as opposed to how some places most apartment buildings are very close to marketplaces or stores. The feel of community is affected by who has homes where in my opinion. Most people that walk into their neighbors who also own homes are usually greeted with a smile, which always helps.
    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?

    In my community specifically, it’s not difficult to find quality but it is expensive.

  9. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?

    As someone who lives in the projects, I know I would definitely be less stressed about being somewhere more secure. And having lived in a house for some time, I can also attest that it is something you can take pride in and call your own. People seem much more happy in communities where safe housing is available. Also, knowing that at the end of the day, you have a roof over your head that isn’t falling apart, or hearing gunshots go off at least once a week, or having to deal with gentrification in your area specifically designed to push out the poor so that some guy in a suit can make more money, definitely makes life better.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    Of course! Again, as a person who live in the projects (the ghetto as some may call it), there is a certain mentality that comes with it. You have to act a certain way to fit in…have that hood/poor people mentality. Where having an education or being healthy isn’t socially acceptable. You become a product of your environment. And that poor man’s mentality now manifests itself in the children they live there, and it becomes a never ending cycle of poverty and self loathing. There’s a certain power and mentality that comes with owning a home. And therefore, lends itself to a better environment.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?

    Hahaha…This is NYC. One of the richest cities in the world. Affordability isn’t a thing here.

  10. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    It would greatly lower the stress that people experience which would improve their health. Having to live in a low quality or dangerous can cause a lot of stress, especially if you fear for your safety, but having to worry about if you can afford next months rent can also cause stress. So not having to stress out about those issues would definitely improve people’s health.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    I don’t think that home ownership has had any affect on my community. As far as I know all the homes in my community are apartments and are rented, not owned. I do not think that if people began owning their apartments that it would make any difference where I live.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    Nearly impossible. I live in lower Manhattan in what has become a very expensive neighborhood. The only reason I am able to afford to live there right now is because I have lived in the same apartment for 20 years. My apartment is rent controlled and has kept it at an affordable cost. But that is the only way to find affordable housing where I live. If I were to move out my apartment complex would nearly triple the rent.

  11. *health benefits of quality secure housing would be less stressful, not having to worry about affordable housing and being able to keep up with rent or missing a payment and potentially ending up homeless, if you know your living situation is stable and secure that is one less thing to worry about.
    *home ownership or the lack of it affects the community negatively because there are some people who own homes and don’t keep them up so there are shrubs and garbage around leaving breeding ground for rodents and also a home for stray animals making the neighborhood ugly and unattractive. positively home owners can beautify a neighborhood, making it attractive especially during the holidays. I live in the projects but in a neighborhood where there are houses around and when walking through the neighborhood you can see the differences of the people that keep up their home, those who don’t, and the upkeep of the grounds in my housing development by the management.
    *I really don’t know how difficult or easy it is to find affordable housing per say because where I live my rent is calculated based on my income but I would think its pretty difficult in some of the areas where there are door men and trash schedules and maintenance fees required and you have to make a certain amount of money to even apply for an apartment. overall I see that living in NYC is extremely difficult and expensive so therefore I would say finding something that is affordable is nearly impossible.

  12. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    As mentioned in class, fight or flight mechanism purpose is to help us get out of danger and help with our survival. Today the fight or flight mechanism is being misused as a stress response. The stress response causes fight or flight to release unnecessary hormones that our body do not need because we are not in any real danger. The constant release of these hormones can be harmful to our body because they aren’t needed. This can result in various diseases such as chronic stress, anxiety, depression, heart disease, etc. Owning an affordable, quality and secure housing would decrease the amount of unnecessary stress and the release of hormones in our body. You wouldn’t have to worry about shelter, security, living comfortably, and stability for the family. The less unnecessary stress the better our health will be.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    Home ownership in a community illustrates whether a location is a desirable place to live. If there is a lack of home ownership then it illustrates that there might be something wrong with the community. For example the people living there doesn’t care about the neighborhood safety, there are homeless people living around the area, kids are wondering around during late hours, etc. If the location is desirable then the better health you’ll be in because of less stressor in the community. If the location lacks home ownership, you’ll be more worry about what is wrong with this community, its safety, and other possible stressors.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    It is quite difficult to find quality, affordable housing in my community. In general, it is hard to find affordability in NYC. Housing is way too high.

  13. In the film we are about to watch, a woman-Angelique Anderson-says: “I always wanted to have a house with a big back yard…” Corey adds: “I want to own a house so that if anything happened to me, she wouldn’t be put out on the street.”

    • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    – When someone has affordable, quality and secure housing they are less likely to get sick. They will not stress over rent because it’s affordable and they wouldn’t have to worry about having to lose their home because its secure. This can reduce any mental health risks because they wouldn’t really be thinking about it.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    -Lack of home ownership affects the community in a negative aspect. Growing up in a community where there is a lack of home ownership I see how it affects my community. It’s not a very desirable looking neighborhood, there are homeless people on every other block, and loud ratchet people out late. Visiting friends who are fortunate to have grown up in private homes, you can feel the difference in the community. They have community watch, working street lights and are nicer.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    – It is impossible. My community is made up of NYCHA housing developments. I wouldn’t consider it to be quality but it is definitely affordable.

  14. •What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    A house with good security would mean that chance of people breaking in your house would be less. It kind of helps psychologically and physically. Mind would be worry free. If you worrying about anything, it means you’re stressing and stress is not good food for body
    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    Nowadays purchasing a house is very pricey and even if you buy a house, you would have to worry about paying off the house and that can be very stressful. I believe having a decent home to live in is more than enough but of course humans are never satisfied so they would work all their life and buy a bigger and better house to live. Which is a cycle of stress.
    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community? Finding a quality and affordable house be impossible in NYC. You can only choose one or the other. I just moved into a new neighborhood not too long good it wasn’t easy to find a good house that is satisfying. I believe it took more than a year or so just to find it and I felt it was overpriced.

  15. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    The health benefits derived from this is less stress related to daily life experiences. The knowledge that your home is your own and no one can take that away from you fills you with a sense of secutity and positivity. You are more inclined to be sociable with your neighbors which in NY is not always the norm. And if you have kids you know that they will be safe walking home from school or even taking the bus by themselves. As someone who lives in a house I know I feel happier than when I lived in an apartment.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?

    I know I can identify those who own the house they are living in as opposed to those that are renting one, The owners take maintenance of the entire street into account and not just their property. The owners know that if the entire community is clean and safe then that leads to higher property value for everyone.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    This is NYC after all so it is quite difficulty to find affordable housing anywhere unless you are will to move out of the city completely and endure a 2hr commute.

  16. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?

    Having a secure home that is yours gives you the ability to save money towards other things in the future. Affordable housing gives someone the opportunity to secure that housing without putting themselves into a situation of financial distress. And quality housing allows one to use their house or apartment as an investment for years to come, and keeps the cost of living to a minimum. Poor quality houses and apartments fall apart fast, which could lead to sickness, debt or a myriad of mental stresses.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?

    Lack of ownership in my community (it is a condominium) severely limits the likelihood of staying in the community. In the past three years I’ve had three different families move into the condo below mine and be gone within a year and a half. In our neighborhood owning your apartment is the only way you get a say in the community bylaws, the maintenance fees (which landlords add to the rent) and the choice of commodities being added. Most of the property is owned by landlords that have blocks (think sections) of apartments. And since the neighborhood is in a prime spot (near a bus, train, airport, parks, stupid amount of restaurants) they can charge high amounts of rent, think 2500 a month on a 300k apartment.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?

    It is very hard to find quality affordable housing. To be fair its very hard to find anything strictly affordable in NYC unless you live far from a train, in high crime neighborhood or the projects. My neighborhood is fairly whitewashed, with minorities moving in just in the past few years, and almost all of them rent and could not or did not buy their apartments. And even if you can afford the rent we only have one supermarket within walking distance of the apartments, where the food is old, rotting and very limited. And for the most part the department of health won’t take action.

  17. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    Having a safe and secure home already gives you less stress; a good neighborhood means less worrying your kids or yourself will get in danger. So that gives a person the right mindset to think towards building a better future, while living in the “affordable, quality and secure housing.” You don’t have to worry about telling your friends and family that you live in such great area. It gives a sense of security. Technically, one less thing to worry about.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    I am truly blessed for my parents owning this house. I can live in it without financial stress till I’m stable enough to repay them. It is in a good neighborhood and a good elementary/junior high school, which I conveniently went to as a kid. It is not scary to walk home, even though it is 8 blocks away from the train station. Every store is an avenue away. All my family has to worry about is paying the bills for the little things such as internet, TV, electricity, gas, etc. We live mostly with family, has not have a problem with them overdoing on rent, and so forth.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    It is not difficult, but people seem to get comfortable and assimilated into their community that they don’t want to change location. So not much houses are for sale, but once it is, it sells like hotcakes. As for the pricing, it is like any housing out there. I cannot say if it’s affordable or not, that all depends on how one thinks of it.

  18. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?

    The health benefits derive from affordable, quality and secure housing, is a sense of security and a relief of stress. Knowing you have a home to live in with your family gives relief to people. They have less stress from being able to pay the bills, and live comfortably with affordable, quality, and secure housing.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?

    The home ownership of my community determines the security of my community. Should that home ownership were to decrease in the community, the chances of someone moving into the community will also decrease. The community will come into question if the expense is high or the security is bad within the community.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?

    It is difficult to find quality, affordable housing in my community. You’ll have to look for a long while in new york before you can find one.

  19. What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    The health benefits that derives from affordable, quality and secure housing is mental stability and stress free. You have a roof over your head and doesn’t have to worry about getting evicted.

    How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    Lack of home ownership affect negatively in my community because you are constantly working hard to afford rent and in the end you still don’t own a house you can call your home.

    How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    It is very difficult to find quality, affordable housing in my community. The price of houses are rising every year, which made it hard to own a house.

  20. >What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    The good environment improve our lives financially and physically. The quality housing gains better health benefits such as asthma, heart disease, obesity or mental issues due to stress and environment. Being able to afford the good housing means there is no financial problems paying rent. All these factors will reduce the stress and guide to better health.

    >How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    If the rent prices remain high, people will be struggling paying the rent unless they have high income. Sometimes having mortgages are less stressful than paying the rent monthly. Most common stressors of households would be low income.

    >How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    It would be a bit difficult to find quality, affordable housing in my community Queens if you are looking for infrastructure. The rent rate is constantly going up and finding a parking spot is a big problem in NYC.

  21. What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    Where I live is important because I want to live in an area where I am accepted and valued as a person. Then I would have less stress. Housing is certainly not affordable in NY. In fact a hundred year old house may cost several hundred thousand to a million dollars. Maybe I can buy a house in the south but I would not get a good paying job. Food is expensive mostly anywhere in the US. The quality of housing is not good in NYC because many houses are very old and need to be rebuild. This will drive up cost. Living in the city itself, WOW!!!! The rent is a bomber for such a small space. Plumbing has given us a chance to have a healthier longer life. Something we take for granted unless you lived in a Third World country without plumbing. Is there such a thing as rent stabilized apartment? We don’t have secure housing because the government has the right to take our house if they are developing that area.

    How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    If I did own my home then I would feel more secure knowing that I have a place that is my own and I come home to. Knowing that I don’t own my home is very stressful because my landlord can kick me out whenever he decides to raise the rent or give my apartment to someone else when the lease is up.

    How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    I is very difficult to find good quality affordable housing in my community and anywhere in NYC.

  22. What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?

    It is shown that people with higher quality housing are less likely to be stressed. On the other hand those with less quality housing are more prone to stress which in turn can lead to mental such as depression. These factors combined can lead a person to a life of harmful substances which in turn affect the body in a negative way.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?

    Home ownership gives people a sense of security and safety such that the money your spending over a period of time is going into you owning something.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?

    In Brooklyn the quality of a home isn’t always directly related to the price, but when it is the prices seem inflated in many areas. There are always places for sale or for rent, but it is difficult to find the right one in a good neighborhood that has everything you want.

  23. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?

    One health benefit that could derive form affordable, quality and secure housing is not constantly worrying about living pay check to pay check. You aren’t worried that something could happened to you going or coming from a bad neighborhood. There is less stress that you feel if you have an affordable and secure home.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?

    Home ownership affects condition in a neighborhood because people feel less pressure if you encounter a hard times its one less thing that you have to worry about. People who own their own home feel proud of their property and are more likely to maintain it, making your community more visual appealing.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    I live in Williamsburg Brooklyn, as of now finding affordable housing is mostly non existing. My parents have lived in this neighborhood for 35 years and they have seen a rapid increase of rent through the years, this neighborhood is far from affordable. However, there is new housing developments that would offer affordable housing in the next few years.

  24. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?
    – Health benefits that derive from secure housing is a lack of stress. Owning a house means that you will always have a place to sleep and you and your family will always be safe. Its a factor that can give you control.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?
    – Ownership of a home means that the community takes pride in the way their own home plus the neighborhood looks appearance wise. If you don’t own, then you don’t really care or take responsibility because its not actually yours.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?
    – It is extremely difficult to find quality, affordable housing in my area. To own a home in my are will cost you almost a million dollars, and to rent a quality apartment will cost you 2-3 thousand dollars.

  25. • What health benefits might derive from affordable, quality and secure housing?

    Affordable, quality housing could provide many benefits to either an individual or a family. The main benefit is heath. People who life in a safe, secure environment tend to have better overall health and less stress.

    • How does home ownership (or its lack) affect conditions in your community?

    Owning a home instills a sense of pride in the homeowner. A homeowner is much more likely to take care of their property, and neighborhood than someone who is renting a place to live. This in turn leads to an area being in better overall shape.

    • How easy or difficult is it to find quality, affordable housing in your community?

    In today’s age, the words affordable and quality do not coexist. This nearly universal truth is amplified when housing is involved. Any place that is very affordable has extremely significant drawbacks and any place that is very nice would cost a fortune. Affordable housing that is of decent quality is practically nonexistent.

  26. trying to own a house is very difficult in general but when a person owns a house they will have one less thing to worry about and that can reduce their stress load. maybe if there was more ownership within a community then people will take care of the property more since they own that proporty

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