Author Archives: yooalex89

Computer Fail #2

First day at the office and I felt ready but still a little anxious. I arrived at about 230 and already had an assignment and it was to read a blog article that was written by Julie one of the office supervisors and make a graph for it.  The article was called “7 calculated metrics for non-profits” and what its basically about is tips on how to help non-profit companies can use google analytics  better. It was pretty simple but, I was also downloading about 15,000 files from their google drive. Most of the thing I downloaded were things I was going to need at some point, so it was better just to have them. Since  was downloading all these files from the internet, my computer was acting up and not doing what I wanted it to do. I just continued working as if nothing was wrong with my computer. I showed Ann (my supervisor) 2 drafts of my design and I worked on it some more before I finally got the correct design and feel for the graphic. But during all this time my computer still was not responding. Just as I was doing some last touches on my design, the worst possible thing happened. Illustrator crashed and I didn’t not save the most recent file. It probably took me about me about 40 mins to finally get illustrator open and start working again. By the time I got it opened it was 630 and almost everyone was out of the office. I was really embarrassed because a simple graphic took me so long to complete but at the same time I felt really happy that I actually got it done. Ann told me it was fine and not to worry since it was my first day and i’m still getting a feel for things, she also understood how my computer let me down. The next day I went to their blog page and saw my graphic being used on the website. it was such a rewarding feeling seeing my hard work being used professionally. I felt so much motivation to do some more designs for whole whale.

IMG_0123 Please open, please work.

IMG_0125 Please don’t let me down.

IMG_0126 4 hours of work.

Welcome to the pod #1

The day i was going to meet Whole Whale the company where i would intern, i was nervous because i’ve never really worked anywhere else other than my restaurant job and excited because i was finally going to do something I enjoyed doing.


When i walked into the building i took the elevator the the 4th floor and i’m not sure what i was expecting or what i was thinking, i kind of went blank. I heard a ding and met Ann who is my supervisor. She greeted me and took me too the office where i met most of the people that i would be working with the size of the company is not that big. they have a total of 6 full time employees and 3 interns (including myself). They all seemed glad to have me there which felt good and made me a bit less nervous. Then


Julie (another one of my supervisors) explained about the company’s  and the history of it. Whole Whale is only about 5 years old and was founded by George Weiner who usually working at the office as well.  Whole Whale is a data strategy company that only works with nonprofits that the whole team agrees on. Some of the clients are Ad Council, Planned Parenthood, Power Poetry, National Stroke Association and a lot more. Most of them are listed on the client page each with a description on what the organization asked for and what Whole Whale did for them.  I am going to be working with Ann who is the Main designer at Whole Whale. but she does more than just Graphics from what i was told by Julie. Apparently she does most of the website redesign and content management. It’s a bit intimidating but I’m glad I’ll have that kind of guidance throughout the internship.

I then began speaking to Ann and she immediately began talking to me about their clients, how everything was going to work, what i would be doing, what style the wanted it in and just the general culture of the workspace. The main responsibility i have is to create graphics for their blog, website, videos or whatever they needed a graphic for. Ann also introduced me to 2 new programs Sketch and Invision. i don’t know much about them, but i am excited to learn more about them. what i do know is that they are mainly for web design and web mock-ups.  My first day of work was going to be on Monday and I was looking forward to it.