QUIZ !!! #3

This week i had a quiz on some of the client’s Whole Whale has. The quiz date was posted on the google calendar so Alison (the other intern) and i both knew when it was. I studied some of the clients but WW (whole whale) has a lot, probably over 15 companies. I was nervous because i don’t really deal with some of the other brands i mostly do blog graphics and social media templates for WW. The day of the quiz comes and i thought it was going to be a written quiz, between the supervisor and the interns. Nope it was during our morning check in where we all talk about what we did and are going to do that day. I had a few curve balls thrown at me. For example instead of telling me the name of the company they would give me the abbreviation. I choked for a lot of them, but everyone in the room was very helpful and explained the organization after i would say what i thought it was. After the quiz they gave  us a huge chocolate chip cookie.

I also worked on making a postcard for WWs new online course on social media.

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