Author Archives: yooalex89

2 Events 1 week !!!

Week i went to two events. One was about Photography design at City tech (Meet the pros) , the other was more about entrepreneurship and how to keep up and mentorship (BE.IN Symposium).

Christine Blackburne was the special guest at this MTP event (meet the pros). She is  a professional photographer who shoots mainly small objects that can be set up on a tabletop, or how she said it ” i’ll shoot just about anything that fits on a table top, and i’ve shot more makeup than you can scrape of a kardashian”.  At first she spoke to us about how she struggled to get where she is at right now and assisted many photographers for about 7 years. What i took away most from that was that by assisting all this photographers she knew what it was that she enjoyed about photography and what she didnt want from photography. She showed us a lot of her work and even some of her collaborative work with professor Eli which was very interesting. when the event ended she was immediately swamped by so many students who wanted to continue asking questions.  I left but i felt like i had gotten enough insight from her talk to help me in my career.

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The very next day I went to the BE.IN symposium at one of the LIU buuildings.  the talk was not about design, it was a discussion featuring key innovators of major companies on the brooklyn tech triangle. Some of them were Ted Southern from final frontier design, Elisa Padilla from Barclay center and Jesse middleton from WeWork labs. they all shared their experiences and how they came about making it to where they are now. A lot of them explained how they didn’t go to college for what they currently doing. they also stressed spoke about how to find something you love and enjoy doing. Jesse Middleton talked about asking questions, because the worse answer you can get sometimes is just a no. But at least you tried and you know the answer. he also mentioned that he is very approachable and available for anyone to ask him questions about mentorship work or anything.  At the end of the event i was able to approach Jesse and talk to him very briefly. I introduced myself and told him how i was interning in the WeWork building at Dumbo. i also mentioned how i was looking for a new design internship for the summer, he told me to email him my info and he”ll pass around my stuff to some people who could help. I thanked him and left the event feeling very hopeful.


Infographic week 2 + review #7

This week i continued the design on the Social media infographics. I feel like I’m almost done. I’ve gotten it approved twice, which tells me that i am headed in the right direction. I still feel like there is something missing.  The whole point of the infographic is to have more people sign up to take their online social media class. They don’t want to be very obvious with that but in the end of the graphic they want to suggest it. Ann is always looking at the small details that I overlook sometimes and she sees things in a creative way much quicker too. Some things i overlooked were the company colors and some stats that didn’t make sense.

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Draft 2

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Draft 4

During the week my supervisor and i were reviewed by someone from BTTIP. The review was about what I am learning and what i’ve been doing. I was honest and spoke about how at first i was extremely nervous but now i feel comfortable.  I also mentioned how almost every week I’m given a new resource that I can use somewhere else in my design or career also how I’m encouraged to ask questions and ask my other co-workers. Ann also spoke about me and pretty much said very nice things.

On a sidenote I can’t believe my internship is halfway thru. hope wherever I end up next in my career the environment will be similar.


Infographic week #6

So this week has been a bit stressful at my internship, because i have been assigned to make an infographic on how Nonprofits use social media. At first i honestly thought it was going to be much easier because infographics look very simple and easy. But I quickly learned that it’s not like that. There is a ton of raw information that i had to look for and pick out what i can use. My supervisor Ann sent me some links and some information that our company had done in the past.

Once i found all the stats that i needed i went over it with Ann, we Broke it down into four parts, what social media outlets are Nonprofits using, What’s the social media landscape looking like,why some nonprofits aren’t really using social media, and what can Nonprofits use to make social media easier on them.  Once i locked this down I began to finally make the infographic on Illustrator. It was taking me a while to get it, mainly because of all the data that’s suppose to go into it and not knowing how to creatively show it. Ann saw that i was having trouble with it and showed me to this amazing website called that has all these preset templates of charts and graphs for infographics.  “You don’t have to reinvent the wheel if you’re trying to get it, you can just use it” is what Ann told me. So before the end of the day on thursday i did one because i was still trying to learn how to use it but i think it came out okay then friday I did another one and it’s looking better. I was a bit frustrating throughout the week because i wanted to get it done faster but i couldn’t to impress my supervisor.

Piktochart Logo

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Draft 1


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Draft 2


#1 APP REVIEW: Interaction of Color !


Interaction of Color

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I’m very interested in design and color theory so to me this app is really interesting. The app includes color interaction, the ability to create, save, and export designs. I really enjoyed the simple looking at the gorgeous 125 color studies and experimenting with the interactive ones.



Snorkl Logo week #5

I worked on Snorkl this week, a new Whole Whale product that will make it much easier for organizations to contact whole whale with a project. It also helps the organization that is Making the Request For Proposal (RFP), get a clear idea of what actually want. Its basically a survey that asks you fourteen questions and you done a RFP is generated. Now the organization that applied can use it with Whole Whale or anywhere else.

the design process behind Snorkl was interesting but also a bit frustrating.  I didn’t think it was going to take me as long as it did, on monday i looked from some inspiration on how i wanted my logo design to look. When i showed Ann she made me realize something. It was all too literal and all the same thing. I had to think beyond what Snorkl was and think about what it does. It helps Nonprofits, it’s a generator, it’s meant to be easy and save you a lot of time. I started sketching on thursday and i had ideas flowing and different directions i wanted to go in, but i quickly realized when i jump onto the computer that most of the designs that i had would not work. So i went back to sketching trying to find something to make the logo fit. Ann told me not too worry about it because it’s a process, getting it right the first time is rare and that maybe if i went back to basics it could work.  So i did that and she approved one of my sketches and on friday i began the final on illustrator.


When i finished it i sent it over to her too see what her thought were. She emailed me back like 2 hours later with some edits and i feel like it works alot better than what i had. So it was frustrating but i feel like i did learn a lot this week because there is no correct way of finding a design. Trail n error is the name of the game.

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Faster graphic ! #4

This week was fun i banged out a new blog graphic everyday i was there. i feel more fluent and more comfortable with what i’m doing now. i remember that the first week i was there i felt very anxious, but now i know what WWs style is like and i can adapt to it better. Ann my supervisor is also extremely helpful she’s always giving me advice on how to do it make a design better or tweaking a concept for a graphic.


Mondays Graphic


Thursday Graphic

Next week i’m going to start working on one of WWs new products they have call Snorkl which is a Request For Proposal generator for non profits. I’m going to be working on creating a logo, so i’m very excited about that.


QUIZ !!! #3

This week i had a quiz on some of the client’s Whole Whale has. The quiz date was posted on the google calendar so Alison (the other intern) and i both knew when it was. I studied some of the clients but WW (whole whale) has a lot, probably over 15 companies. I was nervous because i don’t really deal with some of the other brands i mostly do blog graphics and social media templates for WW. The day of the quiz comes and i thought it was going to be a written quiz, between the supervisor and the interns. Nope it was during our morning check in where we all talk about what we did and are going to do that day. I had a few curve balls thrown at me. For example instead of telling me the name of the company they would give me the abbreviation. I choked for a lot of them, but everyone in the room was very helpful and explained the organization after i would say what i thought it was. After the quiz they gave  us a huge chocolate chip cookie.

I also worked on making a postcard for WWs new online course on social media.

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Whole Whale Google Analytics event

At my internship we’ve been talking about this google analytics even for sometime now. I had even helped somewhat in making the postcards that would be distributed that day. the even was going to be on St. Patrick’s day and it there was a slight chance that it was going to rain, so my supervisors didn’t expect all 250 people to show.  They did, all 250 people showed up and maybe some more. It was insane how quickly it filled up. there was free beer, free wine, and guacamole, but all of that was gone within the first hour.

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When George began the speaker about what google analytics was, who’s using it, how to use it and why they should use it. the whole event was set up to not only inform people of what they can do with google analytics, but also to make companies gain interest with the company as well. There were two companies that whole whale works with one was power poetry and National Aphasia Association (NAA) Both companies have had major success with google analytics and giving them more interest from other people.


At the end of the event  Ann (my design supervisor) told me to follow her around while she spoke to some potential clients and current clients. people were coming up to her asking her more about analytics and how it could help their company. she introduced me to a lot of people and told them how i was their new graphic intern and what i have done till now.  At one point i got to talk to George the speaker and we spoke very briefly but it was very insightful. he told me how analytics with anything can help me out so much when creating a design, because it will let me know what my target audience is looking at what the enjoy what works what doesn’t work.


The big guns from Whole Whale (George, Ann, Laura, Julie.)

I thought people were going to be a bit more intense and just a boring talk, it was completely the opposite. This was great and being able to talk to people about how your designs can be improved by analytics.


Whole whale


Whole Whale blue stacked

Located in dumbo Whole Whale is a digital agency that leverages data and technology to increase the impact of nonprofits.  By using data analysis, digital strategy, web development, and training, WW builds a within every nonprofit they work with. They are only eight years old but they work really hard to help non profits and they are very organized. The company consists of 8 full time employees 1 puppy and 4 interns.

data-culture-graphMost of the people that work at Whole Whale has also worked at other non profit firms or in some kind of social cause company. Everyone balances more than one responsibility and is always on top of it. Ann ( my supervisor) Is in charge of several company website redesigns including whole whales, she also is there main and only graphic designer. George is in charge of account management, he also has weekly podcast and makes educational videos on Nonprofits. He is also the Ceo of the company but works just as much if not more than everyone else in the company.

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Everyday at 10:30 am Whole Whale does a “check in” which basically  is a rundown on what you did the last time you were in and what you are going to do today. This is an extremely good way to set daily goals for oneself and also lets others know if they have anything that can help. they also order monthly snacks so you can have throughout the week.IMG_0626