HUFFPOST !!! #12

It was a short week at my internship, I only went on monday because I was leaving to florida for the break. We checked in with Ann and she told me that I could help by looking for some inspiration on a new website redesign that Whole whale will be doing. Then we also spoke for a bit on UX and UI design and what it takes too designa website. Later we checked in as a group and spoke on what each of us was going to do. I told them that I would look for some other websites that you could use as inspiration when they begin the website redesign. Then George asked me if I was interested in making a blog post graphic for him. I took it immediately, because I knew that it was not going to take me 6 hours to find website inspiration. I really wanted to do some more graphics so I was excited.

The article was about how Pepsi vs Coke and Democrats vs Republicans compare.

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i thought about how I could design it and keep it simple. I think I had about 8 different versions on how I wanted to do it. and none of them were good enough in my head. It was a bit of a struggle but after some more thinking and Talking to ann a few more times I came up with this graphic. And I really liked it I felt like it was really well done and you can kinda tell what the article is going to be about about.


once I was done I sent it over to George and he told me that he would let me know when he would post it up onto the Huffington post. I swear I almost broke my neck looking back at him. I was not sure if he was being serious because I didn’t believe my work would be published like that. but he was very serious because the next day on my way to florida I saw this.

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I seriously can’t thank the people at my internship enough. they have taught me so much and help me out with. Whole Whale has to be the best company anyone can intern at because of all the support, patience, knowledge, and guidance. im truly going to miss them when my internship is over. Thank you Whole Whale.

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