This be in workshop was about branding ourselves to the outside world. The speaker was Ryan David Dejong, and he has done a lot of diffrent things. he started by showing us some of the companies he has worked for and where he is right now. IMG_1046

He stressed the importance of the four Ps which stand for “Preparation Prevents Poor Performance”. this was directed towards getting a job in your field. You should know who it is you are talking to and what the company is about. Then how your social media also plays a big part in the hiring process because they want to know who they’re company is getting involved with.
IMG_5203then tailoring your resume for the job and letting it be a tool to get you in the door. i learned that you should always be updating your resume even if you are not looking for a new job. You never know when an opportunity to work at a better or your dream company may open up. updating it may take sometime and by the time you may have it the way you want the window to uploaded it maybe too late.


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