Monthly Archives: May 2016


On my last week I thought I was going to be not doing much, but just like the first week here at whole whale they’ve got something for me to do. I’m glad about that because I won’t be bored.

On Monday my first assignment was to create a blog graphic on 101 best podcasts for nonprofits .


101 Best podcast for nonprofits

Later that day I sat down with Ann for a bit and we reviewed my resume and my portfolio progress. She gave me a few tips on what i should change or how I should word certain things in my resume. She also sent me some examples on Portfolios so I could have a better idea on how to layout my work and get the most out of an interview. I wrote all of the tips she gave me on how I should set up my resume and portfolio.

On Thursday I also had a few things to do one of was creating an email promotional ad for the new Online social media course. The trick to doing this kind of ad, is that email promo ads are really Small. So contrast and hierarchy of information are very important.

But before i could finish it Ann had another task that was more important to do. George Weiner had made a presentation deck for a talk he’s going to do later that day.  Ann just wanted me to go through the entire presentation and make sure it was according to brand guidelines. I could tell that George had just typed the information in and not really paid any mind to the brand guidelines. It took me about 45 mins to make sure the logo, colors, font size and page layout was consistent.

Before I left I spoke to Ann about being able to come back through the summer and shadowing her on the new website redesign. I thought at first she would tell me no because there was no room for me, or some other reason. But she actually said yes that she would be a great idea because they are about to start on it and work all thru the summer on it.  I was really happy to hear that because I feel like there is still so much more i wanted to learn from them.

I am always going to thankful for this amazing internship. I’ve learned and done so much at Whole Whale, I honestly hope with this experience I can be a bit more valuable wherever I end up. It’s a little sad leaving them but I hope that wherever I end up next I could have another experience like this one.


This be in workshop was about branding ourselves to the outside world. The speaker was Ryan David Dejong, and he has done a lot of diffrent things. he started by showing us some of the companies he has worked for and where he is right now. IMG_1046

He stressed the importance of the four Ps which stand for “Preparation Prevents Poor Performance”. this was directed towards getting a job in your field. You should know who it is you are talking to and what the company is about. Then how your social media also plays a big part in the hiring process because they want to know who they’re company is getting involved with.
IMG_5203then tailoring your resume for the job and letting it be a tool to get you in the door. i learned that you should always be updating your resume even if you are not looking for a new job. You never know when an opportunity to work at a better or your dream company may open up. updating it may take sometime and by the time you may have it the way you want the window to uploaded it maybe too late.


HUFFPOST !!! #12

It was a short week at my internship, I only went on monday because I was leaving to florida for the break. We checked in with Ann and she told me that I could help by looking for some inspiration on a new website redesign that Whole whale will be doing. Then we also spoke for a bit on UX and UI design and what it takes too designa website. Later we checked in as a group and spoke on what each of us was going to do. I told them that I would look for some other websites that you could use as inspiration when they begin the website redesign. Then George asked me if I was interested in making a blog post graphic for him. I took it immediately, because I knew that it was not going to take me 6 hours to find website inspiration. I really wanted to do some more graphics so I was excited.

The article was about how Pepsi vs Coke and Democrats vs Republicans compare.

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i thought about how I could design it and keep it simple. I think I had about 8 different versions on how I wanted to do it. and none of them were good enough in my head. It was a bit of a struggle but after some more thinking and Talking to ann a few more times I came up with this graphic. And I really liked it I felt like it was really well done and you can kinda tell what the article is going to be about about.


once I was done I sent it over to George and he told me that he would let me know when he would post it up onto the Huffington post. I swear I almost broke my neck looking back at him. I was not sure if he was being serious because I didn’t believe my work would be published like that. but he was very serious because the next day on my way to florida I saw this.

Pasted image at 2016_04_28 03_56 PM

I seriously can’t thank the people at my internship enough. they have taught me so much and help me out with. Whole Whale has to be the best company anyone can intern at because of all the support, patience, knowledge, and guidance. im truly going to miss them when my internship is over. Thank you Whole Whale.

APP REVIEW: FlipBoard !


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I can see all my favorite themes, news and leisure on one app, by selecting at least five topics from a list of over 32,000. The app has an all in one and it makes it easy to find what you like. Flipboard’s navigation is super smooth. it didn’t lag while i used the app. Definitely a must to have.

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Well it happened, i was finally reviewed by my supervisor Ann. Here are my results;


Alex Design Intern Review

April review

Content – what you do

  • Blog graphics – 100% produced on time, learned WW style, proactively creating graphics in tandem with article writing
  • Infographics – 60% big learning curve, friction with finding data and learning new tools
  • WW branding for Snorkl and postcards – 80% set the stage for snorkl branding, finished with help from Ann
  • Social media template for WW and clients – 85% for WWU and PP on canva

Methodological – how you do it

  • Use Producteev as to do list – 60%
  • Look for inspiration and existing assets on open source sites – 90% learned about mood boards
  • Ask for clarity and feedback – 70% don’t be afraid to ask questions
  • Use the right tool for the right job – 80% nice job using canva and piktochart, infographic tool could have been more efficient

Goals – what you achieved

  • Learn Sketch by March – 10%
  • Get familiar with flat design – 100%


I agree with all of these points 100%. My supervisor would asked me, what did i think i deserve for this topic and i would give her an honest score and she would for the most part agree. Even unfortunately with learning Sketch by march. I was not able to learn it and i almost never used it. But i have made it a personal goal to learn it especially since it’s a new and very upcoming program in design. Another thing she did mention that hurt a bit to hear was, about how they had hoped to give me some more project in wireframing and UX designs. But since i took a really long time with the infographic they did not feel i would be able to handle all the work. And she was right, i found myself really busy with the infographic and school work, so i would not have been able to do something good.

aside from that she did tell me that i was killing it with my work and my designs. Especially in how much faster i had gotten.