Meetings and lunch. #9


This week at my internship we had a team meeting. They told me I didn’t have to go since I wasn’t an actual staff member, but that I was invited. They didn’t really tell me much about it but I assumed it was going to be on how the company was doing.  I arrived at my internship at about 1130 am, the meeting was at 12 and I surprised my supervisor Ann.  They had already ordered lunch and forgot I was actually going to attend so they didn’t order me any lunch. Which was fine with me, because I wasn’t expecting them to anything in the first place. Ann insisted to go get something and even gave me the company card!  I was extremely surprised because they were getting me lunch especially since Dumbo is really expensive ( eight dollars a grill chicken and tomato sandwich -__- ) and because they trusted me with the company card.


i left and went to a few stores to see what I wanted, I ended  up getting a chicken sandwich for about eight bucks. I ran to the building and had to go to the 9th floor in a separate building that connects through an air bridge. I finally get into the meeting room and  they had already started so it was a little awkward interrupting them to get in the room.


My sandwich was a mess but tasted really good, everything tastes better when it’s free. The meeting was a ‘quarterly report” on goals that Whole Whale had set up from themselves.  A lot of the goal were on the companies they work for (all non-profits) Like The century foundation, Breakthrough and PowerPoetry  Some of the goals were did the website redesign help the organization gain more followers, or did the way they set up the google adwords work for that organization work. Most if the goals were achieved by them and some weren’t because the company budget was to small or the organization did not stay in contact with Whole Whale.

Then they began Discussing about the money they’re putting in and getting out. They were certainly not doing bad but they said they could be doing a lot better. Plus with the three new companies they got this past month things should be looking up for WholeWhale. During the meeting everyone was encouraged to ask questions or anything they had in mind. One of the questions asked were how come we dont just let go our ties with the least lucrative companies and fully focus on the other bigger companies that are much more lucrative. Since they are taking up out time and we could be doing more for them. George responded by saying, He feels loyal to those companies that stood by him and trusted him when he was starting out . He wants to continue helping those organization out, until WholeWhale has nothing else it can give it, Not the other way around.



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