Whole Whale Google Analytics event

At my internship we’ve been talking about this google analytics even for sometime now. I had even helped somewhat in making the postcards that would be distributed that day. the even was going to be on St. Patrick’s day and it there was a slight chance that it was going to rain, so my supervisors didn’t expect all 250 people to show.  They did, all 250 people showed up and maybe some more. It was insane how quickly it filled up. there was free beer, free wine, and guacamole, but all of that was gone within the first hour.

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When George began the speaker about what google analytics was, who’s using it, how to use it and why they should use it. the whole event was set up to not only inform people of what they can do with google analytics, but also to make companies gain interest with the company as well. There were two companies that whole whale works with one was power poetry and National Aphasia Association (NAA) Both companies have had major success with google analytics and giving them more interest from other people.


At the end of the event  Ann (my design supervisor) told me to follow her around while she spoke to some potential clients and current clients. people were coming up to her asking her more about analytics and how it could help their company. she introduced me to a lot of people and told them how i was their new graphic intern and what i have done till now.  At one point i got to talk to George the speaker and we spoke very briefly but it was very insightful. he told me how analytics with anything can help me out so much when creating a design, because it will let me know what my target audience is looking at what the enjoy what works what doesn’t work.


The big guns from Whole Whale (George, Ann, Laura, Julie.)

I thought people were going to be a bit more intense and just a boring talk, it was completely the opposite. This was great and being able to talk to people about how your designs can be improved by analytics.


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