Whole whale


Whole Whale blue stacked

Located in dumbo Whole Whale is a digital agency that leverages data and technology to increase the impact of nonprofits.  By using data analysis, digital strategy, web development, and training, WW builds a within every nonprofit they work with. They are only eight years old but they work really hard to help non profits and they are very organized. The company consists of 8 full time employees 1 puppy and 4 interns.

data-culture-graphMost of the people that work at Whole Whale has also worked at other non profit firms or in some kind of social cause company. Everyone balances more than one responsibility and is always on top of it. Ann ( my supervisor) Is in charge of several company website redesigns including whole whales, she also is there main and only graphic designer. George is in charge of account management, he also has weekly podcast and makes educational videos on Nonprofits. He is also the Ceo of the company but works just as much if not more than everyone else in the company.

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Everyday at 10:30 am Whole Whale does a “check in” which basically  is a rundown on what you did the last time you were in and what you are going to do today. This is an extremely good way to set daily goals for oneself and also lets others know if they have anything that can help. they also order monthly snacks so you can have throughout the week.IMG_0626

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