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Journal 4

On September 20, 2013. I had completed my assignment, and showed it to my supervisor, but he was not happy about it because I didn’t do well on the skin tone of the photo retouch. He told me to do research on the skin tone of the photo retouch. I had been watching Photoshop’s tutorial on Youtube for whole day, and did research on the photo retouching. This experience taught me that the photo retouch skills learned in class are not enough to be used in the real market. I will have to teach myself some things outside of class.

On September 23, 2013.  My supervisor, Yue Chen assigned me a project titled “Open House Recruitment for Prospective Students.” He asked me to come up with several ideas on this project. He wanted the design to attract prospective students to attend New York City College of Technology.

I was stuck on this assignment because I didn’t know what “prospective students” meant until my supervisor explained it to me. The term “perspective students” refers to high school students, transfer students, and adults looking to attend the college. And my concept is to show them what New York City College of Technology can offer.

My concept is to show New York City College of Technology as a motherboard/CPU, in charge of and connecting to the top five majors: nursing, hospitality, engineering, computer science, and entertainment. The design is very tricky because I can only use one line to complete the entire design. I found it to be very challenging because it’s easy to come up with a concept, but difficult to make it work. But right now it’s too late to change my concept, so I’ll have to stick with it.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Kenneth Journal Entry #1

I was working my retail job one day last year and I had recently got my business cards printed for my print production class. So was excited to show them off to everyone. So I took them to work the next day and handed them out to mangers and coworkers, and people were impressed and really liked them, and told me they would pass them on if they knew anyone that needed work to be done. After a few days passed, one of the mangers told me that they had shown my business cards to one of his longtime friends.

 That just so happens to have a company that developed phone and tablet applications, and was currently looking for a graphic designer to hire. He then gave me is contact information and told me to contact as soon as possible. So I gave him a call. He then briefly explained what his company about and how impressed he was with my business card and how he wanted to see my portfolio. At the time I didn’t really have a portfolio ready, so I told him that I don’t have a portfolio completed yet, but it’s still in the works. So I emailed him about 4 or 5 of my best pieces, and he told me that my work is really great and that he wants to set up a face to face meeting.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

My First Interview!

Currently, I’ve been applying for a variety of design, web, and social media internships from sites such as NY Creative Interns and I’m applying for these types of internships because I’m interested in being in a position relating to the three and they relate to what I’m majoring as a web designer at CityTech. I enjoy these subjects and feel working as an intern for something I can relate to would be much preferred and possibly something I can enjoy working for after becoming an intern.

One of the companies that have contacted me and had an interview in was Sony Music, a music company located at Sony Building in New York City.  Sony Music was looking for an intern for their Creative Group program.  The Creative Group program is responsible for designing the advertising billboards, posters, album covers, logos, booklet design, and CD covers.  As a fan of music and knowing some of my favorite artists and bands are labeled at Sony Music, I decided to apply for the internship and hope that I get an interview with them soon.  Thankfully, they did!  I managed to speak with the chairman of the Creative Group program, show him my portfolio, and express my interest in being part of the company.

Sony Music was the first to contact me for an interview which made me enthusiastic. I’m hoping, as I apply to other internships, that I have an opportunity for an interview for their companies as well.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Journal #3

With Ressler, the new site is up and running. It launched last week – and though I’m less than happy with the design, I’m glad it’s up. I added an analytics account to the WP dashboard, and I was thinking of having a brief analytics tutorial with Mr. Ressler and the Office Manager – I think the additional info analytics provides could prove useful to the company.

I don’t know that much about analytics, really just the basics. I’ve really just been able to provide companies with sort of an introduction to it. With the larger companies that have it on their sites – it’s very interesting to look at everything it provides. Somewhat creepy – but interesting. However, I don’t think I’ll be looking at a future as an SEO guru, because though I find it interesting – I don’t know that I find it that interesting. I would however love to learn more coding. I really seem to enjoy it, and I find it very useful…and sort of -innovative? I don’t know that thats the right word there, but I enjoy how, if you know what you’re doing with it – you can really use it to do whatever you want. It’s incredibly fascinating, the things you can do with code now. I like doing design as well – but I find design work very, very hard. I don’t know that I’ll ever be an amazing designer. Their are so many of them – and the good ones are very, very good. But I do sort of enjoy handling the design and the markup stuff.

Thinking about goals with one of the class assignments – I think my overall goal is to be a front-end designer. They still get to do design, but handle a lot of the coding as well…which sounds lovely to me. I’m still not absolutely certain what sort of organization I would love to work for. I have years of experience working with Non-Profits – one that I especially enjoyed working for was the San Francisco SPCA (such an awesome organization). I do like working with Non-Profit orgs, however, the money can be an issue…especially at this point (with massive student loans to repay!). Sometimes I think about working with a tech company, and I think this might prove itself very interesting. Intimidating, but interesting. And I would learn so much! What would be awesome would be a Non-Profit Tech organization with a lot of money…I would love to work with them! 🙂

Other goals for the remainder of this year through the Spring Semester of 2014 are really to finish the semesters with A’s. And starting in December (at the end of this semester), I need to find a full-time job. Other than these, I really need to wrap up the work with SMI and finish up with Ressler.

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Creation Myth-Reaction

I read the article but I don’t understand it. All I know is Steve Jobs got his innovation of a mouse from Xerox PARC at Xerox Corporation company. I’m planning to re-read the article and see if I get more information.

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Creation Myth

After I read the article, I found that Steve Jobs had a clear goal in his life. He knew what he want to do. In addition, my technology knowledge are very limited, lots of technology terms in the article I don’t understand.

Posted in Assignments.

Commentary on the New Yorker’s “Creation Myth” Article

I found the article to drag on to get to the key points but it had a few interesting moments. One instance that stood out to me was when Steven Jobs literally took Xerox’s idea and enhancing it further. I can’t believe Xerox didn’t see the potential in their own idea and where it was capable of going. Its interesting how Xerox undervalued their idea and were selling it for cheaper. The article mentioned a few times how the initial ideas of projects were shut down or not taken seriously until someone else came along and saw it potential.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Internship, so far

I’m currently interning at a travel agency. In the company I work in the design department helping them promote the agency. I currently am working on a design, and in the middle of revisions. Overall, my current experience working there is content.

Posted in Assignments.

I read the article of innovation on the train which was very distracting. So i didn’t really retain everything that I read, but what I got out of it that Jobs got inspired from Xerox. And if Xerox would of capitalized on what they had like Jobs did. Xerox would been in a better place.

Posted in Assignments.

I am currently interning with City Tech’s paper, the City Tech Times. The team is still being assembled so at the moment there is not much work. However, I came in contact with the editor-in-chief recently, and he requested a remake of the paper’s logo. After the logo is completed I will be moving to designing the business stationery; business cards, envelopes, and letterheads.

At this time I am still brainstorming, conceptualizing, and sketching my ideas.

Posted in Assignments, Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.